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Two customary celebrations specific to Suriname celebrate as national holidays the first arrivals of North Indian and Javanese contract workers in Suriname in the late 19th century. Currently Hindustani [Hindoestanen], descendants of North Indian contract workers, are the largest ethnic group in Suriname, at 27 percent of the population. Javanese currently account for 15 percent.

One, June 5th commemorates the Immigration of the North Indians to Suriname. On June 5, 1873 the 'Lalla Rookh' sailed into the Surinamese capital city at Paramaribo, with 399 North Indians on board. There were 279 men and 70 women, along with 32 boys and 18 girls under the age of 10. Of these first contract workers, 20 percent were Muslim and 80 percent were Hindus.

From 1873 to 1916 over 60 ships carrying a total of over 34,000 contract workers from India sailed to Suriname.

Two, August 9th commemorates the immigration of the Javanese to Suriname. On August 9, 1890 the first 94 contract workers from central and east Java arrived in Suriname.

Between 1890 and 1939 around 33,000 Javanese were brought to Suriname as contract workers.

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14y ago

Two customs specific to Suriname celebrate as national holidays the first arrivals of North Indian and Javanese contract workers in Suriname in the late 19th century. Currently Hindustani [Hindoestanen], descendants of North Indian contract workers, are the largest ethnic group in Suriname, at 27 percent of the population. Javanese currently account for 15 percent.

One, June 5th commemorates the immigration of the North Indians to Suriname. On June 5, 1873 Lalla Rookh sailed into Paramaribo, Suriname's capital, with 399 North Indians on board. There were 279 men and 70 women, along with 32 boys and 18 girls under the age of 10. Of these first contract workers, 20 percent were Muslim and 80 percent were Hindus.

From 1873 to 1916 over 60 ships carrying a total of over 34,000 contract workers from India sailed to Suriname.

Two, August 9th commemorates the immigration of the Javanese to Suriname. On August 9, 1890 the first 94 contract workers from central and east Java arrived in Suriname. Between 1890 and 1939 around 33,000 Javanese were brought to Suriname as contract workers.

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