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Q: Which derived character is shared by fish and frogs but not lancelets?
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Do Lions and Frogs have anything in common?

YES! Lions and frogs have shared derived characteristics. ALthough They look different on both the outside and inside, they have some things in common. One thing that they have in common is that they both have a back bone. This shows that they came from a common ancestor.

Why would bioprospectors be interested in animals that produce venom?

Virtually all modern medicines are derived from or modeled on chemical compounds found in nature. For example, the antibiotic penicillin is derived from a type of mold; the cancer drug taxol comes from the bark of the Pacific and Himalayan yew tree; and any number of medications are derived from the venom of snakes, spiders and frogs.

What is the names of the 3 frogs names in thumbelina?

The three frogs in "Thumbelina" are named Grundel, Berkeley, and Morty. Grundel is the main villain who tries to marry Thumbelina, Berkeley is a friendly frog who helps Thumbelina escape, and Morty is a minor character who is part of Berkeley's family.

Are frogs males only?

No, there are female frogs and male frogs.

How do frogs develop into frogs?

Frogs start out as tadpoles and then they develop into jumping frogs. They start life in water.

Do grasshoppers eat frogs?

Frogs eat grasshoppers. At least i know bull frogs and wood frogs do.

Why do frogs make noises when two frogs are together?

They're frogs.

How do you redeem a set of frogs on pocket frogs?

You have to collect the set of frogs.

What is the difference between African Clawed frogs and regular frogs?

Basicly African clawed frogs are bigger and have tiny claws and regular frogs are just frogs i suppose.

How do you make frogs lifetime frogs on pocket frogs?

Lifetime Frogs refers to the number of frogs you have ever owned during your game time. So get lots of froggies! :)

How do male frogs attract female frogs during mating season?

male frogs will croak to attract female frogs.

How to get the character Naruto hazekage form in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2?

aer you finsh the game go to that mounatain with the frogs and talk to the elder there . hope that helps