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Q: Which document stated grievances against the king of great Britain and separated the colonists from the king?
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What document was sent by the American colonists to King George that listed the grievances they held against his leadership and said that they now considered themselves an independent country?

The document the Colonists sent to King George was the Declaration of Independence. It stated the concerns, and grievances against the king and declared the wish for independence from Britain.

The bulk of the Declaration of Independence is?

a list of the colonists' grievances against Great Britain's king

Why were the committees of corresponding powerful?

they circulated writings about the colonists' grievances against Britain. Soon they brought together protesters.

What did the preamble to the Declaration of Independence say?

it listed the rights the colonist believed they had Its aim was to inform the King of the rights the colonists had as human beings, how Great Britain had violated these rights, and what they had to do in order to remedy this. The preamble was followed by a list of specific grievances of the colonists.

What did the decalaration of independence accomplish?

It confirmed to the colonists and to Britain that due to a number of grievances, the colonies were declaring their independence from Great Britain.

Why does the Declaration of independence list grievances against King George Bush lll?

In order to prove that Britain had violated the rights of the colonists.

What document did the colonists issue in 1776 when they felt their right as englishmen had been violated?

In 1776, the Continental Congress issued the Declaration of Independence. The document explained the colonists' reasons for severing their political ties with Great Britain.

Why did congress need a document like a declaration of independence?

congress needed a document to declare why the colonists had to become independent of Britain

What historical events link to the grievances of the declaration of independence?

The biggest events that were voiced as grievances during the Continental Congresses were the unfair taxes that Britain levied on the colonists. Massive taxes on everyday goods like paper and tea were placed without any say on the colonists' part.

How does the Declaration of Independence justify the colonial war against England?

The Declaration of Independence lists 27 grievances against Britain which are the colonists grounds for Independence

How did the committee of correspondence help the colonists cause?

This committee circulated writings about colonists' grievances against Britain. Soon other committees of correspondence sprang up throughout the colonies, bringing together protesters opposed to Britain ≈ Slim

What statement best describes the reason why the American colonies developed a separate culture from Great Britain?

colonists and Britain were geographically separated by a great distance