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This is really a matter of preference but my vote would be a Golden Retriever.

Dobermans can be a little difficult to control and not as much of a family pet.

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Q: Which dog should a 15 year old boy buy a golden retriever or a Doberman?
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How much should a 2 year old golden retriever weigh?

about 87 pounds.

What year was a golden retriever born?

Every year!

Does an English cream golden retriever live longer than an American golden retriever?

Yes. About 1 year longer on average.

Do border collie get along with golden retriever?

When I got my border collie, my golden retriever was already 1 year old. At first, my border collie was really laid back (but she was only 6 weeks) and my golden retriever wasn't hurting her, but he was really wanting to play with her. Now, she is 5 months old, and she is trying to be the domanite dog. They get along great, but she sometimes thinks she can tackle the golden retriever. They are both very hyper and they have a great friendship!

What is the oldest retrieving breed of dog?

I would say the golden retriever is the oldest. Because the oldest one of the golden retriever breeds was a twenty two year old. which is one hundred and fifty four in human age!

What does it mean when your 3 year old female golden retriever is uncontrollably peeing and vomiting?

It may be dieing

What are the next two Webkinz to retire?

webkinz golden retriever might take an early retirement this year

Is it safe to get a 1 year golden retriever from a well loved family?

The Golden Retriver may be confused at first, but if you give it lots of love, it will love you in retern!

Is putting a golden retriever as play mates with a 4 year old Boston terrier a good idea?

A Golden Retriever is a very gentle breed! They usually good with other dogs, large or small. I would see how they get along together before leaving them alone.

How much does a 7 month old golden retriever weigh?

7 month golden retrievers weigh about 95 pounds. i know because i have a golden retriever he is a year old now but when he was 7 months he wieghed that much. and most retrievers i know that are 7 months weigh that much. so i say 95 pounds

How old would a golden retriever be at 2 year old?

You mean in dog years? 1 human year is 7 dog years so he would be 14yo.

Is there a reason for a ten year old golden retriever to walk sideways with head tilted?

(S)he may have an ear infection that is causing pain.