

Best Answer

Well. Many breeds.

- Rotweiler's

- Akita's

- St Bernard's

- Anatolian Shepherd dog

- Tosa inu

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Q: Which dogs are stronger than a German shepherd?
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German shepherd and pitbull which of does dogs are strongest?

pound by pound pitbulls are much stronger and muscular. sometimes they are even stronger than other bigger dogs.

Are the jaws of a wolf stronger than of a German shepherd?

Yes. A lion is way more stronger and bigger than a german shepherd.

Are German Sheperds stronger than red heelers?

German Shepherd's are a lot stronger than a red heeler.

Could a German shepherd kill a wolf?

No. A wolf has a stronger jaw and a wider body than a german shepherd.

Is a German Shepherd stronger than a pitbul?

I think yes

Which dog is strong a German sherpad or Doberman dog?

Both dogs are powerful breeds.A German Shepherd is more forceful with a front on attacks but Dobe's attack from behind so a GSD would have more force as it threw his body weight at you.Dobermann is much stronger than the gsd. The gsd never will be as strong as a dobermann.

Who is stronger a pitbull or a germen shepherd?

pound by pound the pitbull is stronger and even stronger than bigger dogs.

Who will win in a fight between a german shepherd and a python?

A python is stronger, thicker, and longer than a german shepherd, but a german shepherd is faster and can bite the python if the dog is fast enough.

Can a golden retriever fight off a german shepherd?

No. The german shepherd is stronger and has sharper teeth/faster speed than a golden retriever.

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Is a German shepherd stronger than a husky?

No. Huskies have bigger jaws and bigger teeth than german shepherds, and they produce more biting force pressure. Siberian huskies have more body weight and mass than german shepherds, making them have stronger weight strength.

Is the caucasian sheperd stronger then the German sheperd?

Depends on the bull dog breed you are thinking about. There are bull dogs with problems in the snout and walking. Those bull dogs have no use but being a mascot. A true bull dog is stronger than a Shepperd.