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The hot drinks, because hot beats cold a lot of times

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Q: Which drinks melts ice the fastest and why?
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ice cream

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As time passes, some of the ice melts, and the drinks become less warm.

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What juice melts faster then water?

Orange Juice is one of the fastest drinks to melt.

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and i know because i just did a science project on "what melts ice fastest" my science teacher said something happens with beet juice, but i didn't get to try it.

Which beverage melts an ice cube the fastest?

Any beverage having a higher temperature than ice.

Which ice cream melts the fastest?

The Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream does!

Which ice cream brand melts the fastest?

It isn't necessarily the brand of ice-cream, but the temperature it was stored at.

What brand of ice cream melts fastest sweetbay or Publix?

Hi! I think Sweetbay would melt the fastest!

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What drink melts sugar cubes the fastest?

Vodka is the fastest liquid ice cube melter. It also won't freeze until it is minus sixty degree out side.

What do you think melts ice faster salt sugar pepper?

sugar melts ice the fastest. i did a science experiment and my question was does salt sugar or pepper melt ice faster and my answer was sugar try it