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Both are known for weight loss, neither greater than the other as depending on your brain chemistry each will have different levels of effect on your perceptions of hunger and fullness.

However, these medications should not be used for weight loss only! They are designed only for ADD patients and those who take it who do not have ADD have a good chance of becoming dependant on the meds for alertness after a period. Those with ADD do not experience this same effect.

Also, the weight loss experienced with the stimulants is often rapid and/or dramatic, but within months a tolerance builds and the weight comes back on, as the appetite-suppressant effects come back.

If you do have ADD and are trying to choose which one to take, it shouldn't be made on the basis of weight-loss; they are two different chemicals and what works for one person may have zero effect on another patient. Your doctor will know which one is appropriate.


Adderall is a combination of amphetamine salts, which is an extremely potent stimulant.

Ritalin (methylphenidate) does contain an amphetamine-like backbone, however it is more complex, and also a weaker stimulant than Adderall... Although very few patients will display a greater degree of weight loss with the use of Ritalin, due to body chemistry, and the sensetivity their body displays to the chemical.

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Q: Which drug is more likely to cause weight loss Ritalin or Adderall and does any ADHD med causes weight loss more often than those two?
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What is the difference between Ritalin and Adderall?

Adderall (amphetamine) and Ritalin (methyphenidate) are referred to as central nervous stimulants. However, each medication works differently in the brain. Adderall will block the re-uptake of norepinephrine and dopamine into the neurons, thereby allowing these two neuro-transmitters to increase in quantity in the brain space; Ritalin does essentially the same. However, it appears through clinical science that some patients will respond more efectively to one medication over the other. Both of these drugs are used commonly to treat ADHD (attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder). One may only obtain these medications via a prescription.

Will Ritalin cause weight loss?

it causes a loss of appetite and you proboly will lose weight

Can you gain weight while on Concerta?

You can if you don't watch your food intake after the Concerta/Ritalin wears off. Since it is a stimulant, it usually causes a loss of appetite. After the Concerta/Ritalin wears off, there have been reports of people tending to binge eat.

Which add medication makes you lose weight?

"Adderall is an amphetamine used to treat ADD/ADHD. Like many pharmaceutical medications, some of the side effects include loss of appetite and weight loss(particularly in adolescents)."Ritalin and Dexedrine also have similar effects concerning weight loss. They are all prescription meds.

What is the average weight loss when taking Adderall?

Adderall affects everyone differently, so it is all about how much is taken and how often. Adderall XR will most likely cause loss of appetite (more so than regular Adderall). It all depends on how much you eat in a day. I take Adderall XR and there are times when I do not eat until dinner time. It varies for everyone.

Weght loss Ritalin?

Wieght loss can occur whilst taking Ritalin as it is a stimulant and one of the side effects is a loss of appetite, so in some people whilst they are on Ritalin they do not feel as hungry and do not eat as much and thus loose weight. If Ritalin is abused then appetite is rapidly decreased which can lead to a large loss of weight similar to someone who abuses amphetamines or methemphetamine.

What are the side effects of taking Adderall for weight loss?


Is adderall prescribed to adults?

Adderall is prescribed to adults to help them focus or stay calm, doctors may also prescribe it for weight loss

Why does it take so long to lose weight on Ritalin?

well i have ADD and i take Ritalin to help me focusnad when i take the med it makes you not hungry or in other words qehn the Ritalin is kicked in it has a side effect that makes you loose your appitite. thus resulting in you not eating as much, thus causing weight loss

Can 703 mg of adderall kill you if you weigh 130-104?

That much Adderall would kill anyone regardless of weight. Why would you consider such a thing?

Can you get Adderall if you suffer from Bulimia?

Most likely not. Your psychiatrist will be reluctant to put you on that medication for several reasons. One being that bulimia causes erosion on the digestive tract and adderall can cause an increase in stomach acid. Another reason is that adderall can cause heart problems and advanced bulimia will do the same, greatly increasing the risk of heart attack or failure. Another reason is that bulimia is a psychological disorder and adderall acts on several receptors in the brain, which could cause severe symptoms such as paranoia, hallucinations, and many sleep/motor function control problems. Also, adderall has contradictions with several medications used by bulimia patients such as antacids, anti-depressants, and certain vitamins used when trying to restore your physical health. There are other options for ADD/ADHD that are much safer but you should never use adderall as a weight loss or appetite suppressant drug.

If a person weighs 180 lbs. what amount Ritalin is prescribed?

This really depends on the person since 180 pounds is averagish weight for most people. Depending on what condition Ritalin is taken for and how severe the symptoms are you could be prescribed anything from 10mg instant release to 54mg concerta (both of which are the same chemical methylphenidate). Weight plays a small part in deciding the dosage of Ritalin.