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Q: Which element has 10 neutrons as in a neutral atom?
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Which of these describes a neutral atom?

10 protons, 10 neutrons, 10 electrons A+

What element whose neutral atoms have ten neutrons?

Neon has 10 neutrons

How many protons neutrons and electrons are in a neutral atom of neon if its atomic number is 10 and its mass number is 22?

10 protons, 10 neutrons, 12 electrons

What ion has 8 protons and 10 electrons?

There is no atom or element that has one proton, one neutron and ten electrons. Duterium has one proton, one neutron and one electron (in a neutral atom). Tritium has one proton, two neutrons and one electron (in a neutral atom), but that is the closest. In any neutral atom the number of electrons will equal the number of protons in the nucleus of that atom. An atom with one proton in its nucleus and 10 electrons just isn't possible.

How many protons electrons and neutrons are in a neon atom?

Neon atoms have 10 protons, and a neutral atom has 10 electrons. The number of neutrons can vary, but the most common natural isotope (90.5%) has 10 neutrons. Neon-21 (11 neutrons) is about 0.25% of natural neon, and neon-22 (12 neutrons) is about 9.25%

What will be the element name of an atom with 9 potons and 10 neutrons?

The element with 9 protons and 10 neutrons is fluorine-19 (F-19).

How many neutrons in an atom neon atomic number 10?

Neon is a non metal element. Atomic number of it is 10.

Atom X has 9 protons 10 neutrons and 9 electrons Atom Y has 9 protons 9 neutrons and 9 electrons what best describes how Atom X and Atom Y are related?

The relationship is that Y is the negative ion and X is the neutral atome of the same element. Particle X and particle Y are both atoms, and are of the same element as the number of protons (atomic number) is 9. With the same number of neutrons they are both the same isotope. Particle X is electrically neutral so is a neutral atom, particle Y has a single negative charge and is an anion. Inspecting the periodic table for aelement atomic number 9 the element is fluorine, the isotope is fluorine-19 (the only naturally occuring isotope of fluorine), X is a fluorine atom, Y is a fluoride ion.

How many electrons surround the nucleus of a neutral atom of the isotope 180 of oxygen?

O-18 atom has 8 protons, 8 electrons and 10 neutrons.

What atom has six neutrons and a mass number of 10 amu?

Boron: Mass is 10.811 11 - 5 (Z or element number) = 6 neutrons.

What element has 12 protons and 10 neutrons?

Any atom, ion, or isotope with 12 protons is going to be magnesium. Only the number of protons in the nucleus will determine the element. But with the information about the number of neutrons, the specific isotope can also be determined - 22Mg.

If an element has 8 protons and 8 neutrons in its nucleus and 8 electrons revolving around the nucleus What is the atomic number and atomic mass of this element?

In neutral atoms (with the same number of protons and electrons), the number of protons and electrons equal the atomic number. If our atom has 9 electrons, is neutral, and therefore has 9 protons, it is element #9: Flourine, which has an atomic mass of 19: 9 protons plus 10 neutrons.