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Hydrogen is generally considered the most anomalous element, because its most abundant isotope contains no neutrons and its ion contain no electrons.

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Ypu think probable to hydrogen.

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Q: Which element on the periodic table doesn't belong in a group with any others?
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Which other elements contain the same number of atomic shells as sodium?

All of the others in the same row of the Periodic Table as sodium.

How many elements are on the periodic table?

The first 92 (through uranium) occur naturally. The others are "transuranics." As of 2009, there are 118 ending with ununoctium. All together there are 117 elements on the periodic table, 94 of which occur naturally on earth. According to Wikipedia, there are 117 elements that have been isolated or synthesized, with a gap between element 116 and element 118. They do also show a wide (extended) format of periodic table with additional elements that have not been discovered, isolated, or synthesized on earth. See the related links below to see the standard and extended periodic tables.

How did plutonium get its name?

suggested that element 94, being the next element in the series, be named for what was then considered the next planet, Pluto.[4][note 2] Seaborg originally considered the name "plutium", but later thought that it did not sound as good as "plutonium."[33] He chose the letters "Pu" as a joke, which passed without notice into the periodic table.[note 3] Alternate names considered by Seaborg and others were "ultimium" or "extremium" because of the now-discredited belief that they had found the last possible element on the periodic table.[34] suggested that element 94, being the next element in the series, be named for what was then considered the next planet, Pluto.[4][note 2] Seaborg originally considered the name "plutium", but later thought that it did not sound as good as "plutonium."[33] He chose the letters "Pu" as a joke, which passed without notice into the periodic table.[note 3] Alternate names considered by Seaborg and others were "ultimium" or "extremium" because of the now-discredited belief that they had found the last possible element on the periodic table.[34]

What does not belong with the others sunshine rain umbrella snow?


Would you define a substance as a compound or a mixture or an element?

It depends on the substance your are talking about. It could be a compound, mixture, or substance; depending on the substance. If it is an element off the periodic table, it is an element. If it is two elements chemmically combined, it is a compound. If it is two elements that are not chemically combined, it is a mixture.

Related questions

What element on the periodic tiable doesn't belong in a group with any others?

Helium is the element that doesn't belong in a group with any others on the periodic table. It is part of Group 18, the noble gases, which are characterized by their stable and unreactive nature.

What one does not belong fork comb rake shovel?

shovel does not belong because it doesnt have the spikes that the others have

Element x reacts with iron to form two different compounds with the formulas fex and fe2x3 to which group on the periodic table does element x belong?

Element x belongs to Group 15 (Group VA) on the periodic table. The formulas FeX and Fe2X3 suggest that element x is likely a nonmetal with multiple oxidation states, common characteristics of elements in Group 15 such as nitrogen, phosphorus, arsenic, and others.

What substances are element?

All of the substances found in the Periodic Table are considered as elements. None others are.

What is the periodic element mentioned in a Charlie Brown Christmas?

Gold is for certain. There are some others that might be.

Is sand and iron an element?

Sand is a mixture of different elements (such as silicon, oxygen, and others) and is not considered an element on its own. Iron, on the other hand, is an element with the symbol Fe on the periodic table.

What bacteria does NOT belong with the others A. Burkholderia B. Campylobacter C. Pseudomonas D. Bordetella E. Salmonella?

why doesnt salmonella belong with pseudomonas, campylobacter, burkholderia and bordetella. Why based on the criteria?

What is the only element in the periodic table that does not belong to a group?

It doesn't entirlely stand alone. there is no gap from hydrogen and the rest of the table. Hydrogen is just simply singular. It only has one proton. No neutron. One of a kind. even though I believe deutrium to be number 2 on the table rather than helium. And neutronium should be classified as element 0. Should be categorized in the periodic tables at all time.

What elements are contained in a cancer atom?

There is no such thing as a cancer atom as cancer is not an element or even a substance. Cancer is a disease. An atom can belong to only one element and cannot contain others.

Which bones does not belong with the others?

The Hyoid bone is the bones that does not belong with the others.

Which does not belong with the others?

The Hyoid bone is the bones that does not belong with the others.

What planet do not belong to the others?

Pluto doesn't belong to the others it is a dwarf planet.