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Q: Which elements below would form an ionic bond with fluorine?
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Which element would fluorine form an ionic bond with?

All of the metallic elements will form an ionic bond with fluorine.

Which element when combined with fluorine would most likely from an ionic compound?

The single "most likely" element that would form an ionic compound with fluorine is cesium, or possibly francium if enough of it could be collected. This is because cesium, among stable elements, has the lowest electronegativity and fluorine has the highest electronegativity. However, any alkali or alkaline earth metal element in fact readily forms an ionic compound with fluorine, as do many other metals.

Which elements when combined with fluorine would form an ionic compound?

All the alkali and alkaline earth metals: Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr, Ra, Ba, Sr, Ca, Mg, and Be. Most other metals would also form an ionic compound with fluorine.

Is CF2Cl2 a molecular or ionic compound?

No, CF2Cl2 is covalent as the the three elements in it (Carbon, Fluorine, and Chlorine) are all nonmetals. Nonmetals form covalent bonds with one another.

Are fluorine and sodium are ionic or non ionic?

A bond between fluorine and sodium would be covalent (non-ionic), as they are both nonmetals, and the difference in their electronegativities is less than 1.7.

Are fluorine and sodium ionic or non ionic?

A bond between fluorine and sodium would be covalent (non-ionic), as they are both nonmetals, and the difference in their electronegativities is less than 1.7.

Lithum has much less attraction for any valence electronss than does fluorine atoms of these two elements would from?

Lithium and fluorine would form the ionic compound lithium fluoride, LiF. The lithium atoms would form positively charged ions and the fluorine atoms would form negatively charged fluoride ions. The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions forms the ionic bond.

What element would form a ionic bond with fluorine?

Many elements can form an ionic bond with fluorine. Metals in groups one and two (such as alkali metals lithium, sodium, potassium, etc. or alkali earth metals like magnesium or calcium) like to form ionic compounds with fluorine. This is because fluorine has an extra electron it wants to give away, and metals in group one and two want another electron to become stable.

What would fluorine have to combine with to form an ionic compound?

If fluorine combines with an element such that their electronegativity difference is more than 1.7, then they will form an ionic compound. Example:- Hydrogen fluoride is an ionic compound. Hydrogen has electronegativity of 2.1 and fluorine has 4.0. So, the difference is 1.9. Therefore, it is an ionic compound.

Compounds with the greatest ionic character would form when fluorine reacts with?


What element with fluorine would make an ionic compound?

Any metallic element will form an ionic compound with fluorine. ("Flourine" is not a chemical name!) Examples of metals are sodium, magnesium, lanthanum, and iron.

Would strontium and Fluorine covalently bond?

no ionic strontium is a metal and flourine is a nonmetal