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Q: Which empire renamed judaea palestine as a kind of punishment after crushing a Jewish revolt?
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When did Palestine become Israel?

Answer 1Palestine is still Palestine. People just think it is israel. But it is NOT!!Answer 2Israel was a historical term for the land before the Romans created the term Palestine. This original term became the name of the Modern State of Israel in 1948 when Jewish groups were able to establish a State.

How did the Romans influence palestine?

After the second Jewish revolt, Rome expelled the Jews from Jerusalem, enslaved many of the survivors of the rebellion, leveled Jerusalem and renamed it, and combined the former Roman provinces the region into a new land called Palestine. So, you could say that Rome created Palestine, or at least, they named it.

How were the Hebrews able to establish themselves in Palestine?

If this is referring to history in general, the region of Palestine was the historic Jewish homeland. It would be like asking: How did the Bushmen get to Namibia? -- It's where they come from and where they've lived for many centuries. If this is specifically referring to the Return of Jews in large numbers to the region of Palestine in the last century, it should be noted that there was a relatively large Jewish minority already present in the region prior to the Jewish immigration from elsewhere. Those Jews who did arrive immigrated through normal procedures until Israel declared independence. Jewish immigration substantially rose from 1948-1955, especially from the Arab countries which had forcibly expelled their Jewish populations. They came primarily by boats and planes.

Which Middle Eastern country is jewish rather than muslim?

Israel technically, the nation of Israel use to be called Palestine, but the Zionists removed the Palestinians and renamed the Israel. The Palestinians are mostly Muslim but there are Christian and some Jewish Palestinians as well

Who occupied palestine?

Zionism Jewish

Why did tensions between Arabs and Jews in Palestine escalate during the 1930s?

Jewish Immigration to Palestine increased significantly, causing Arabs to worry about losing their land.

What is the significance of Palestine to judaism and Hebrew people?

"Palestine" is the name the Romans gave to Israel after they expelled the Jews in 70 CE. Israel was and still is the Jewish homeland.The Romans chose the name "Palestine" after an enemy of the Jewish people, called the Philistines.

Why do some people call the land Israel by the name Palestine?

The modern country of Israel was formed in 1948 within the borders of what had been the historic region of Palestine. The term had existed for two thousand years, ever since the Romans named it Syria-Palaestina as punishment for the Jewish Revolts.

What are the Jewish people against?

A free Palestine to start..............

What is favored establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine?

The Bank

Who were Supporters of Jewish homeland in Palestine?

Balfour Declaration

What did shepherds wear in Jewish Palestine?

Clothes maybe?