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Adrenal glands are involved in addison's disease.

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Q: Which endocrine gland is involved in addison disease?
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What is the Gland associated with Addison disease?

Addison's disease is the common name for hypocortisolism, a defect in the adrenal gland in which sufficient amounts of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids are not produced by the gland.

Does Addison's disease cause Hyperkalemia?

Hyperkalemia can also be caused by a disease of the adrenal gland called Addison's disease.

What is Adrenal insufficiency with progressive destruction of the adrenal gland?

Addison's Disease

What are the organs involved in the endocrine system?

pancreas is an example of both endocrine and exocrine system. examples of endocrine system are hypothalmus, pineal body, heart, pitutary gland, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland etc.

Which part of the endocrine system is involved in controlling sleep?

pineal gland.

What disorders is associated with adrenal disease?

Pheochromocytoma, Addison's disease and Cushing's syndrome are the diseases that are associated with adrenal gland.

Which is the endocrine gland?

The largest gland in the endocrine system is the Thyroid Gland.

Is the pituitary considered an endocrine gland?

Absolutely. It is the master gland of the endocrine system.

Is the Cowper's gland an endocrine gland?

The Cowper's gland is not an endocrine gland. It's an exocrine gland with a duct.

Which is the largest endocrine gland?

The largest gland in the endocrine system is the Thyroid Gland.

What is the medical term meaning inlammation of the adrenal gland?

The autoimmune inflammation of the adrenal glands is Addison's disease.

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder of?

It would be a disease of the Endocrine System. Since it involves insulin production where the pancreas are the main producing gland. The pancreas essentially belong to the Endocrine system.