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Q: Which energy resource provides the largest percentage of all energy used in California?
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Which group made up the largest percentage of California's population in 1840?

Native Americans

What are California's major energy resources?

California's major energy resources are natural gas, coal, nuclear, and large hydro. Natural gas is their largest resource with 40 percent of homes and businesses using it.

According to Census 2000 which state had the largest percentage of people who do not speak English?

According to Census 2000, the state with the largest percentage of people who do not speak English was California, with around 20% of the population reporting limited English proficiency.

Which state had the largest percentage people who do not speak English in the 1990s and was second in 2000?

Hawaii had the largest percentage of people who did not speak English in the 1990s but was second in 2000, with California holding that position in 2000.

Which state has the largest percentage of Americans of German descent?

California has the largest number of Germans at approximately 5,588,093.North Dakota has the largest percentage of Germans, with about 47% of the state recognizing as German.

Which two states had the largest White populations according to the data from the?

California and Texas total, Vermont and Maine as percentage.

Which states have the largest Hispanic population?

The states with the largest Hispanic population in the United States are California, Texas, and Florida. These states have significant Hispanic communities due to historical influences and geographic location.

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Canada is the world's largest exporter of what?

Canada's Largest Natural Resource Are The Salmon

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Is the Mojave the largest desert in California?

Yes, the Mojave is the largest desert in California.

What the name of the largest California desert?

The Mojave Desert is the largest desert in California.