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Your tears contain the enzyme lysozyme. This enzyme acts by disrupting the cell-walls of gram-positive bacteria by digesting the peptidoglycan in them, thereby preventing infection.

This enzyme is also found in your saliva and is an example of a non-specific immune response.

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tears contain the enzyme lysozyme which kills the purest water on earth is tears

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Q: Which enzyme in tears kills germs?
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Basic a level knowledge: Tears are a form of chemical barrier from infection. The enzyme lysozyme is found in tears which kills of some bacteria which helps prevent pathogens entering the body and causing infection. I hope this helps, I'm unsure how the enzyme kills the bacteria as I was only aware that enzymes are catalysts that lower the activation energy in a reaction. If any one knows I'll be very grateful. :) Xxx

Are there antibodies in your eye?

well no not exactly, there is an enzyme in the tears of the eyes. so when you blink the liquid is spread by the upper eyelid, it kills the bacteria in the eyes.

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The part of the blood that kills germs are the white cells.

What chemical in your tears kills?

Your tears contain the enzyme lysozyme. This chemical disrupts the cell walls of gram-positive bacteria by digesting the peptidoglycan in them. This enzyme is also found in your saliva and is an example of a non-specific immune response.

Does salt kill germs?

Yes, it kills most germs.

Do handsanitizer kills 99 percent of germs?

it doesn't specifically kill 99.99 or 99% of germs but it helps us lot it kills our germs about 55% germs it just say it kills 99.99% germs so people can buy it lot and the shopkeeper will make lot of money or the company man

What are chemicals produced by the body that attack invading germs?

Enzymes in body fluids provide a chemical barrier to pathogens. Gastric juice, for example, contains the protein-splitting enzyme pepsin and has a low pH due to hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The combined effect of pepsin and hydrochloric acid kills many pathogens that enter the stomach. Similarly, tears contain the enzyme lysozyme, which destroys certain bacteria on the eyes. The accumulation of salt from perspiration also kills certain bacteria on the skin.

What does a sanitiser do?

A sanitiser cleans and kills germs.

Do dishwashers really work killing germs?

Yes, the heat definitely kills germs.

What percentage does soap kill germs?

Soap kills 79% of germs off of your hands.

Does hot water kill germs or does cold water kill germs?

I know for sure hot water kills germs