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Q: Which event best helped Becquerel determine uranium radiates rays?
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Did Henri Becquerel and the Curies find out that the atoms werent indivisible?

The work of Henri Becquerel discovered uranium rays. Marie Curie used them in her work and helped to discover evidence that atoms may not have been the simplest blocks of matter and could in fact be divided.

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Marie Curie won the Nobel prize in 1903 for physics, along with Pierre Curie (her husband), and Henri Becquerel who helped with the discovery of radiation.

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The difference is uranium is 92 and lead is 82 (hoped it helped!😁. -Sofiaa Answered on 2/20/14

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The ocean keeps the temperature mild in summer and winter by, in summer, extracting heat from the air to warm up the waters temperature, then in winter, the heat radiates off the ocean. By the end of winter, the water is colder from the cold air, and radiates it off in summer. Hope that helped.

Who was the woman who discovered Radium?

Marie Curie also discovered polonium. Her husband Pierre helped in the investigation also. She started off by studying a variety of chemical compounds that contained uranium. She discovered that the strength of the rays that came out depended only on the amount of uranium in the compound. It had nothing to do with whether the material was solid or powdered, dry or wet, pure or combined with other chemical elements. If you had a certain amount of uranium a certain number of uranium atoms-then you got a certain intensity of radiation. Nothing else made a difference. The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903 was divided, one half awarded to Antoine Henri Becquerel "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous radioactivity",the other half jointly to Pierre Curie and Marie Curie.

Can you give of a person discovered radioactivity?

The early discovery of Radioactivity goes to a Frenchman named Henri Becquerel . In 1896, Henri got some natural fluorescent minerals to be experimented upon. The main purpose he wanted to experiment was to study on the x-ray properties which had already been discovered a year ago and he wanted to examine further. This experiment helped him to expose potassium uranyl sulfate to the rays of the sun believing that the energy of the sun would probably be absorbed by Uranium and them emit it outwards as X-Rays. Since there were changes in weather, the experiment had failed because the day was overcast. There came a physicist named Marie Curie who made a great contribution to the discovery of Becquerel. Curie was the man who actually coined the radioactivity term. Hope this helps.

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Which formula describes how naturally occurring chemical elements such as uranium thorium and potassium helped to heat the Earth's interior?

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What formula describes how naturally occurring chemical elements such as uranium thorium and potassium helped to heat the Earth's interior?

During radioactive decays heat is released.

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Two types of nuclear energy are: 1. Uranium, Sorry, only got one, but hoped it helped!!