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Nitrogen fixation is how atmospheric nitrogen is processed. This occurs during lightning strikes but mainly is processed by diazotrophs, or free living bacteria with nitrogenase.

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Q: Which event breaks down the nitrogen in the atmosphere and converts it to a form that can be used by plants and animals?
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Benefits of lightning?

the lightning breaks the atmosphere down to get nitrogen to the ground to aid in plant growth

How do humans get nitrogen we need to make proteins and dna if we can't get it from breathing?

Humans and most other living things are unable to use nitrogen from the atmosphere in their metabolism. The only living things able to use nitrogen from the atmosphere in their metabolism are a small number of species of anaerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria. Several species of nitrogen fixing bacteria are symbiotic with legume plants, the bacteria provide the legume with fixed nitrogen, the legume provides the bacteria isolation from the poisonous oxygen in the air as well as carbohydrates as food. Humans as all other animals, get their fixed nitrogen by eating other animals and/or plants.

What is the role of decomposes in the nitrogen cycle?

Decomposers have a very important role in the nitrogen cycle. They convert nitrogen found in other organisms into ammonia so it can be returned to the soil. Some use a process called denitrification to return nitrogen directly to the atmosphere.

What eats nitrogen compounds in plants?

By digestion, which breaks down the plant proteins into their constituent amino acids (which are made up in part of Nitrogen), and then using those amino acid building blocks to manufacture the specific proteins their own bodies need.

Which enzyme converts lactose to glucose and lactose?

Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose.

Decaying plants add nitrogen to the soil?

The dead animals and plants remain organs breaks down and that remains turn into carbon.

What are the ways that bacteria help the ecology of the Earth?

Bacteria breaks down and converts other living and dead organisms into food. If it werent for bacteria and detritus feeders the earth would be scattered with dead animals and trees

Who breaks the dead organisms body back into inorganic nitrogen?


What happens if the Atmosphere breaks?

The atmosphere is held to the earth by gravity and is made of gas = it cannot therefore break.

What are the problems if hydrogen bonds between d nitrogen bases of DNA breaks?

you die.

What organism in the soil convert niterogen from dead organism?

first the organism is broken down in to inorganic moleculs, then denitryfing bacteria breaks this down and lets the nitrogen be released back to the atmosphere. the denitryfing bacteria is usaully cyno-bacteria(blue green bacteria)

How are nitogenous wastes produced by the body?

Nitrogen is produced when the body breaks down proteins for energy.