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Q: Which evidence supports the idea that two different species might have a common ancestor?
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Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

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The observation by Darwin that finches belonging to different species on the Galapagos Islands have many similar physical characteristics supports the conclusion that these finches?

originated from a common ancestor

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descended from a common ancestor

How does comparing physiological similarities of living species provide evidence of?

Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

Why do you think the domestic dog is an ancestor of the gray wolf?

The genetic evidence is quite clear on this question. With great certainty we can say the domestic dog has only the gray wolf as ancestor.

Similarity of structure of the forelimb of a bird and a mammal is an example of what evidence?

Homologous structures - the forelimb structures are anatomically similar and were derived from a common ancestor; however, they have evolved completely different uses. This provides evidence for divergent evolution or adaptive radiation.

How could two species that evolved on different continents have many similarities?

A common ancestor.

What are the similar body structures in different species tell scientists?

Back down the line, the species came from a common ancestor.

Examples of biochemical evidence of evolution?

Physiological similarities suggest the species evolved from the same ancestor.

Is gradual strutures shred by different species?

IS GRADUAL strutures shared by different species in the evidence of the environment

Can a zebra and a giraffe have offspring?

No. They are different species and haven't had a common ancestor in 54 million years.