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Lack of economic opportunity for women

Poor access to medical care

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1d ago

Several factors contribute to high fertility rates in Africa, including cultural norms that support large families, limited access to contraceptives and family planning services, low levels of education for women, and lack of economic opportunities for women outside of childbearing. Additionally, inadequate healthcare and high infant mortality rates may also influence parents to have more children as a form of social security.

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Q: Which factor has most likely contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?
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Why was Africa a likely place for humans to first appear?

Africa was likely the place for humans to first appear due to its stable climate, availability of resources for survival, and geographic isolation which allowed for evolution to occur. The continent's diverse landscapes provided opportunities for different human species to adapt and thrive.

Did early hominids migrate from Africa to Asia?

Yes, early hominids likely migrated from Africa to Asia around 2 million years ago. Fossil evidence suggests that species such as Homo erectus moved out of Africa and spread to other regions, including Asia. This migration played a significant role in the evolution and dispersal of early hominid populations.

Why did Homo Erectus leave Africa?

Homo Erectus likely left Africa in search of new resources, such as food, water, and suitable habitats. This migration could have been driven by factors like climate change or population pressure, leading them to explore and settle in new regions beyond Africa.

How did early humans have safety?

Early humans likely sought safety by living in groups, utilizing tools and weapons for defense, and establishing social hierarchies for protection. They likely sought out shelter in caves or constructed rudimentary shelters to protect themselves from predators and the elements. Additionally, their knowledge of the environment and their ability to communicate and cooperate with one another would have also contributed to their safety.

Where did the earliest human beings migrated from?

A lot of evidence supports the theory that human beings originated in central Africa, and migrated out of Africa to the east in two major magrations very roughly 100,000 and 60,000 years ago. See the link to the Genographic Project.

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Which factor most likely to have contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?

Lack of economic opportunity for women.

Which factor is most likely to have contributed to high fertility rate in Africa?

lack of economic opportunity for women

which factor is most likely to have contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?

Lack of economic opportunity for women.

What factor has most likely contributed the the high fertility rate in Africa?

Poor access to medical care

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Lack of economic opportunity for women. Lack of Birth Control knowledge.

Which factor most likely contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?

Lack of economic opportunity for women Poor access to medical care

What is most likely to have contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?

Lack of economic opportunity for women. Lack of Birth Control knowledge.

Which factors is most likely to have contributed to the high fertility rate in Africa?

Lack of economic opportunity for women.

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How related fertility and menstrual cycle?

They are entirely related. The previous answer that it's ultimately "God's will" and science is only "sort of" involved in fertility is complete nonsense; the entire menstrual process explains in detail when and how fertility occur. In other words, depending on where in your menstrual cycle you are, you will be more or less likely to become pregnant (less likely during your period and just after, more likely during ovulation).