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Q: Which food makes x chromosome in man sperm?
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What is the sex chromosome in man?

For mammals, sperm.

Which sex cell controls the sex of a baby?

I will explain, but I don't know why you put this in cat behavior. The X chromosome and Y chromosome control gender. If an embryo's two chromosomes are XX, it will be a girl. If the chromosomes are XY, it will be male. A pair of chromosomes have to have at least one X chromosome in it, but can also have a Y chromosome.

Does a mans sperm always have the same chromosomes?

Man is always the Y chromosome.

Why do some sperm cells have an x chromosome while other sperm cells have a y chromosome?

Chromosomes in adult cells come in pairs. Men's cells have an X Y pair of chromosome in them, women's have two X chromosomes and no Y. When sperm cells are made in the man the sperm get half of each pair of chromosomes and thus half will have the X and half the Y. When a woman makes an egg cell, these to get half her XX pair but all eggs will have an X chromosome. When a baby is made the egg and the sperm join up to give the fertilized egg matched pairs of chromosomes again. As half the sperm carry an X and half a Y, there is a 50% chance that the new egg will be XX (female) or XY (male) and this ensures that there is the same proportion of men and women in the world.

Why does the dad determine the gender of the baby?

Women have only X chromosomes. Men have one X and one Y. If the man's sperm has an X chromosomes, the child will be a girl. If the man's sperm has a Y chromosome, the child will be a boy.

How many chromosomes does an orangutan sperm cell have?

The diploid chromosome number for the orangutan is 48 (two more than man), so an orangutan sperm cell would contain 24 chromosomes.

Are the functions of the testes?

To create Testosterone, which basically makes a man like a man, and sperm, to reproduce.

Which kind of chromosomes are necessary to produce a female?

There are two types of chromosome, called X and Y. Semen contains X sperm and Y sperm. If the Y sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be male. If the X sperm fertilises the female ovum, the child will be female. A man's chromosomes will be XY and a woman's chromosomes will be XX. The man's sperm always determines the gender of the baby.

Does cigarettes lower a man sperm count?

Yes, Nicotine also makes sperm weaker and changes it shape making it harder to conceive.

When is the baby sex determined?

It is the sperm from the male determines the sex of the child. Half of the sperms contain the Y chromosome and half the sperms contain the X chromosomes. Ovum from the female always contain the X chromosome. When the sperm with Y chromosome fertilize the ovum, the sex of the child becomes male. When the sperm with X chromosome fertilize the ovum the sex of the child becomes female. The females are wrongly blamed for the birth of female child in some countries.

men can have baby's?

Not with another man no. A woman have to be involved somehow by giving them the egg and carrying the baby.Actually yes!Men contain an x chromosome as well. By stem cells an egg cell can be created from a male then fertilized by another man's sperm, implanted in a woman and carried to term.Scientists believe that it would be possible to transfer the genetic material from a sperm cell into an enucleated human egg, and then to fertilize that egg with another sperm cell. There are some technical problems that would have to be overcome, but they may not be insurmountable. One problem would be to insure that if there is a 'male' sperm, carrying the Y chromosome of the XY pair, then the other sperm MUST carry the X chromosome to avoid the possibility of YY offspring. A woman would then receive the fertilized egg and, theoretically, carry it to term.

Can a man have only x or y chromosomes in his sperm?

Yes, all male have sperm cell contain both a X and Y chromosome and female have only two Y chromosomeI just want to clarify that Sperm Cell contain X "OR" Y chromosome, not X "and" Y.