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Q: Which form of vitamin B-12 is more easily used by the body - cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin?
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How can you replace the loss of B12 in the body?

Methylcobalamin (via shot) as well as supplements including cyanocobalamin tablets.

Vitamin B12 pills name?

The vitamin B-12 in pills is usually cobalamin or cyanocobalamin. This is the cheap but hard to digest and absorb type of cobalamin. High quality B-12 supplements will use methylcobalamin, as that is the form used in the body itself. Do not swallow methylcobalamin tablets, the B-12 will be destroyed by stomach acid and you will have wasted your money! They are sublingual tablets which must be held under the tongue until dissolved.

How methylcobalamin acts in neurological disorder?

When methylcobalamin is lacking in the body, it can cause degeneration of the brain and nervous system. This is vitamin B-12, and it can be used as treatment for people that have this type of deficiency. Methylcobalamin acts to reverse these damages or neurological disorders.

What is the scientific name for vitamin B12?

B-12 refers to a group of cobalt-containing vitamer compounds known as cobalamins: these include cyanocobalamin (an artifact formed as a result of the use of cyanide in the purification procedures), hydroxocobalamin (another medicinal form), and finally, the two naturally occurring cofactor forms of B-12: 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin (adenosylcobalamin-AdoB-12), the cofactor of Methylmalonyl Coenzyme A mutase (MUT), and methylcobalamin (MeB-12), the cofactor of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase (MTR). The term B-12 may be properly used to refer to cyanocobalamin, the principal B-12 form used for foods and in nutritional supplements.[1]

What can vitamin B12 found in?

Vitamin B-12 that humans can digest can only be found in meats or foods fortified with B-12 (like breakfast cereals). Clams, mollusks and liver have the most B-12.Some vegetables, like soy, also have B-12 in them. However, they are not in a form that humans can digest.You can also find B-12 in oral supplements such as vitamin pills and sublingual drops, as well as injections and transdermal patches. For people with digestive issues, certain medical conditions or who have had stomach surgery this is the only possible source of B-12. Vitamin B-12 transdermal patches are the easiest, least expensive way of getting B-12 into the body in a form the body can immediately use (methylcobalamin, rather than cobalamin or cyanocobalamin).

Is Remylin D tablets are painkiller?

Remylin-D is a vitamin supplement which contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, Pyridoxine, Methylcobalamin, Folic Acid and Vitamin D. In some cases nerve pain can be caused by lack of certain nutrients in the body, Remylin may be given to relieve the nerve pain however, itÕs not a regular pain killer itÕs a vitamin supplement.

Why can your body store a fat-soluble vitamins but not water-soluble vitamins?

Your body can store a fat soluble vitamin but not a water soluble vitamin because they are not easily excreted out of the body as water soluble vitamins are.

What is the best vitamin B complex?

Most B-complex supplements are 50-100mg across the board. This is fine, but to ensure a positive reaction to your body try for one that contains the following: Niacin, not Niacinamide for Vitamin B3. Niacinamide has been shown to suppress SIRT1 function in the body, your body's naturally occurring life-extending enzyme. Niacin dilates capillaries, promoting blood flow to the outer layers of the skin, enhances cognition, and removes cell waste. Non-flush niacin is a no-no. Go for plain old niacin, and embrace the "flush" that it brings. It's good for you. Also, optimal B-12 intake is between 600-1000mcgs daily to maximize benefits. Not just that amount, but the best FORM of it is methylcobalamin. Most supplements use the cyanocoblamin form as it is cheaper, however, this form must then be converted by the body into methylcobalamin and is not always 100% efficient in doing so. Biotin is good for the skin and the hair, try for at least the DV, 300mcgs. FYI many people supplement with 10x that amount. B-vitamins are water-soluble, meaning unused amounts are excreted in the urine. Therefore, it is important to space out intake throughout the day to ensure a constant blood level (as with all water-soluble vitamins). Benfotiamine, a synthetic, fat-soluble form of Vitamin B1, has been shown to protect healthy cells in the presence of blood glucose, ie, prevents the onset of diabetes and protects cells from AGE's.

How do you reduce vitamin D in body?

The only way to reduce vitamin D in the body is to stop intake of vitamin D.

Do tomatoes have vitamin a?

The simplest rule, and probably the best one is : look at the colour of the vegetable. Vegetables that are red or '''''dark''''' green tend to contain vitamin A, or beta carotene which the body can easily convert to vitamin A.

Which vitamin can not be made in human body?

vitamin D

Is vitamin A a classification of vitamins?

Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that exists in different forms, including retinol, retinal, retinoic acid, and provitamin A carotenoids. Retinol is the form of vitamin A that is most easily absorbed by the body and is found in animal-based foods such as liver, egg yolks, and dairy products.