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utility, rights, justice, and caring

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Q: Which four ethical norms are often used by companies to help individuals make ethical decisions?
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Related questions

Are ethical norms enforceable?

unless the ethical norms are written into law, they are not enforceable and, to some extent, remain a matter of personal opinion.

Why are ethical norms essential for maintaining stability?

Ethical norms are essential for maintaining stability and harmony in social life, where people interact with one another.

What is ethical norms and law?

ethical norm is established by society autonomously, but law is established heteronomously (by other force) by state.

What are the examples of ethical norm?

There are so many examples of norms like the role for asking one out for a date being left for men and not women. Norms are usual or typical habits or behaviors.

What is the citizens discipline?

Citizen discipline refers to individuals adhering to societal rules and norms, behaving in a responsible and respectful manner towards others and the community. It involves following laws, regulations, and ethical principles to promote a harmonious and civilized society.

Rules regulation of multinational companies in India?

rules or norms of multinational companies in india?

Can culture influence good and evil?

Yes, culture can influence perceptions of good and evil through the values, beliefs, and norms it promotes. Cultural backgrounds can shape individuals' understanding of what is considered moral or immoral behavior, leading to variations in ethical standards and judgments between different societies. Cultural influences can impact how individuals perceive and behave towards others, shaping their actions as either good or evil based on societal norms.

What is morally blind?

Being morally blind refers to the inability or unwillingness to perceive or understand ethical issues or make morally sound decisions. It can result from a lack of empathy, disregard for ethical norms, or a failure to consider the impact of one's actions on others.

What is an example of a general ethical norm?

General ethical norms encompass truthfulness, honesty, integrity, respect for others, fairness, and justice. They relate to all aspects of life, including business and finance.

How can the abidance to ethical norms help the economic development of a country?

it promote good governance,peace and love,transparent and accounterbility.

What is a thing that cannot be challenged?

Morality or ethical principles are difficult to challenge universally as they can vary depending on individual beliefs and cultural norms.

Why should you be ethical in school?

School is a learning institution where you go in order to learn and groom your personality. In school student have to be ethical, because cultural norms does not allow an student to perform unethical activities in a leaning platform.