

Which gas presents a serious risk for cancer?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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There's more than one gas that can cause cancer. A fairly prevalent cancer causing gas is radon.

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Q: Which gas presents a serious risk for cancer?
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Which colorless gas produced by the radioactive decay of uranium-238 is considered to be a cancer-causing agent?

Radon is a radioactive gas that can cause cancer.

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You could get any kind of cancer. But I'm guessing you mean gas and toxin related cancers. I do not know that but try searching for mustard gas in relation with cancer.

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it depends how much of a catastrophe it is but you could ask your parents or take your complaint to a courtAdded: (in the us) ANYONE can sue ANYBODY for ANYTHING WHAT is the alleged action that you believe place your life at risk? If it was serious enough - consult with an attorney to see if you have a viable case.

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