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Eris - or Enyo - the goddess of strife.

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Q: Which goddess caused Athena Hera and Aphrodite to fight over the golden apple?
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Why did Aphrodite hate Athena?

There was a rivalry -not 'hate - between Aphrodite, goddess of love, Athena, goddess of wisdom, and Hera, the Queen of the gods; it escalated at the point of the golden apple of Discord.

What goddess thought the golden apple should belong to them?

Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite

Were Aphrodite and Athena ever friends?

The goddesses Athena and Aphrodite were never really friends. Athena was a virgin goddess and stood against love, which Aphrodite stood for. Plus, before the Trojan War, they were rivals for the golden apple marked 'To the Fairest'.

Why was Athena an enemy of Aphrodite?

Aphrodite is the enemy of Athena because once there was a beauty contest between Hera, Aphrodite, and Athens. Paris an immortal and the prince of Troy was told to give a golden apple to the fairest of them all by Zeus. Paris of course chosen Aphrodite because she was the goddess of love and the mos beautiful goddess. this sparked and rivalry between Athena, and Aphrodite.. Hope this helps :)

Who owned the golden apple of Discord?

The goddess Eris possessed the Golden Apple of Discord. She caused turmoil with it at the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite fought for the apple inscribed "to the fairest" which led to the Trojan War.

Why were the goddesses Athena and hera on the side of the Greeks?

I assume you mean in the Trojan war. Athena and Hera were angry because Paris had given the golden apple to Aphrodite and neither of them. This meant that Aphrodite was the most beautiful goddess.

What wasthe war over the golden apple in greek mythology between?

Who was the fairest goddess..which was boiled down to 3..Athena Hera and Aphrodite

What is the name of the man that Aphrodite gave the golden apples?

If you mean the Golden Apple that Eris (Goddess of Discord) threw amidst the goddesses with the words "to the fairest" inscribed upon it. Then the apple was given to Paris, to decide between Athena, Aphrodite and Hera.

Who gave the golden apple to Aphrodite?

Paris, the Prince of Troy, gave the Golden Apple to the goddess Aphrodite.

What was the Greek goddess Aphrodite's role?

She is the goddess of love and beauty. Aphrodite took a part in the Trojan War, as one of the three goddesses that wanted the golden apple (which was for the "fairest") from Paris. Both Athena and Hera also wanted the golden apple, but Paris gave it to Aphrodite after she promised him the most beautiful woman, Helen of Troy. This soon started the Trojan War.

Who was fight ing over the golden apple?

Hera, queen of heaven and the gods and goddesses of Olympus. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. Athena, goddess of wisdom, crafts, and strategy of city/army in war.

Why is Athena important in the Trojan war?

when eris wasn't invited to a wedding she threw a golden apple to the goddess that includes Athena Aphrodite and persephone it was mean't to be for the fairest all the goddesses fought for the apple thus causing the war