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Pythagoras 6th Century BCE.

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Q: Which greek philosopher thought the earth was sphere?
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Where did they get the name Earth from?

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Is the lithosphere the sphere of light around the earth?

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What century BC did Greek philosophers establish the Earth wasd a sphere?


The first Greek philosopher?

The first Greek philosopher was "Thales".

Is Aristotle a greek philosopher?

Yes, Aristotle is a Greek philosopher.

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Thales of Miletus is the Greek philosopher who believed that water was the fundamental substance from which everything in the universe originated. He is often considered one of the first Greek philosophers and is known for his contributions to early science and natural philosophy.

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Why does atmosphere have the suffix -sphere?

The term "atmosphere" comes from the Greek words "atmo" meaning vapor and "sphaira" meaning sphere. Therefore, the suffix "-sphere" is used to describe the gaseous envelope surrounding a planet, in this case, the Earth's atmosphere.

What Greek philosopher thought everything was made of water?

Thales of Miletus is the Greek philosopher who believed that everything was ultimately composed of water. He is considered one of the earliest thinkers in Western philosophy and is known for his theories on the fundamental nature of the universe.

Famous greek philosopher?

Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle are three famous Greek philosophers known for their contributions to Western philosophy. They influenced various areas of thought, including ethics, politics, metaphysics, and epistemology.