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Group one, not including element 1 (helium) tend to form ions.

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8y ago

Elements present on first and second group.They have free electron the outermost shell.They donate electron to gain positive charge.

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Q: Which group of elements on the periodic table tends to form ions?
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You are good at questions dude

Does fluorine tend to lose electrons?

Fluorine is a nonmetal. It is located in group 17 of the periodic table. It tends to obtain an electron to form the fluoride ion.Fluorine is the element with highest electronegativity. So it does not tend to lose electrons. It is in the 17th group of the periodic table.

What tends to gain electrons?

Elements on the right of the periodic table but not in group 0/8 tend to gain electrons. Those in group 7 tend to gain 1 electron and those in group 6 tend to gain 2.

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It tends to increaseThe atomic radius increases down the group

What groups of elements on the periodic table tends to form ions?

Alkali metals group tends to form ions.They give single electron to gain positive charge.For example : Sodium give one electron to become Na+ ion.

Do elements in a group of the periodic table have similar characteristics?

Generally speaking yes; it breaks down a bit in the middle-right area, because as you go down the table the metallic character tends to become more pronounced, and (for example) bismuth and nitrogen are pretty dissimilar.

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The nonmetallic character begin with silicon and increase to right.

Bonding between atoms on the left and right sides of the periodic table tends to be?



As you move across the periodic table from left to right (across a period), the atomic radius of the elements tends to decrease.

Electron affinity tends to what?

Electron affinity is an elements' ability to attract electrons and is variable for each element. Generally the more electronegative atoms are furthest to the right bottom of the periodic table and ascending to the left the elements lose their electron accepting ability.