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The elements in column 14 of a wide form Periodic Table.

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What types of orbitals contain the valence electrons in the main group elements?

Its the s and p orbitals

Which group on a periodic table will not react and why?

The elements of group 18 are known as inert because they havecompletelyfilled atomic orbitals.

What elements have full s and p orbitals?

Elements with full s and p orbitals in their highest electron shell are the noble, or inert, gases of the last column on the periodic table: He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, and Rn.

Why the ionization potential of 2-A group is more than the ionization potential of 1-A group?

Completely filled s orbital is more stable than half filled s orbitals and it is difficult to remove electrons from the former due to extra stibility. Group IIA elements (or alkaline earth metals) have completely filled s orbitals, whereas group IA elements have half filled s orbitals.

elements in which the s and p arbitals in the outer shell are entirely filled are?

These elements, known as the alkali metals (group 1A) and alkaline earth metals (group 2A), are those in which the outer-shell s orbitals are being filled. On the right is a block of six columns. These are the elements in which the outermost p orbitals are being filled.

Why elements of group 18 are zero valent?

because they have completely filled orbitals (or shells). hence generally are inert

Why is helium located in the last colunm?

Because helium has completely filled orbitals as do all the elements in the last column (group 18 elements or noble gases).

Which elements are likely to lose electron?

Group I elements (that is alkali metals)

What are the similarities between the elements in group 0 in the periodic table?

In the Period Table of the Elements, there are 18 groups, Groups 1-18.Group 0 does not exist.

What category includes the least reactive of the elements on the periodic table?

Group 18 or Noble gases. As they have completely filled orbitals.

What is another name for metalloid?

A roman numeral in parentheses follows the name of the metal... apex

Which group of the periodic table do exceptionally inert gases belong and why are they inert?

group 18 elements. they are inert because they have completely filled orbitals and and stable or chemically inert.