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Q: Which groups of animals are cold blooded and breathe with lungs have scales and usually lay eggs?
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Which of the vertebrate groups are hot or cold blooded?

hot blooded animals are birds and mammals and cold blooded animals are reptiles amphibian and fish

Write three groups in which animals can be placed?

Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Cold-blooded, Warm-blooded

What is a group of warm-blooded animals with hair or fur called?

There are few different types of groups of animals that are warm blooded and have hair or fur. The largest group of warm blooded animals are tigers and coyotes.

What are the three groups of warm blooded animals?

the mammals that is the only thing i know

Two groups of animals that are warm blooded with a backbone?


What two main groups can vertabrate animals be broken down into?

Cold blooded (fish and reptiles) and warm-blooded (birds and mammals).

What group of animals is warm-blooded and has fur or hair with 6 letters?

There are few different types of groups of animals that are warm blooded and have hair or fur. The largest group of warm blooded animals are tigers and coyotes.

What is a fish if it's neither a reptile or mammal?

Fish, like birds, are a separate clade of animals (formerly class Pisces). Fish are cold-blooded, live in water, and breathe through gills. Birds are warm-blooded and many can fly. Neither of these groups are either mammals or reptiles (although birds are very close to reptiles, aside from their warm blood).

Are seals usually lonely or social animals?

Seals are usually social animals, and live in big groups together.

What is a group of warm blooded animals with fur or hair called?

All mammals including the sub groups marsupials and monotremes.

What two large groups are divided into the animal kingdom?

Warm blooded and cold blooded

What is classification used for?

we use classification in our everyday life by putting things in categorizes food groups, animals, and plants and many more.