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I do not know about epithelial cells but i do know this: Red blood cells are the smallest ones measuring about 6 or 7 um. Sperm cells are also very small(25um) but are big compared to red blood cells. Its dificult to compare these cells to muscle cells because they are long but skinny. ________________________________________

(New to this answers thing, don't feel comfortable deleting other people's stuff) I just did a bio lab and these are my measurements: Red blood cells: 8µm wide; 10µm long Sperm cells: 2µmwide; 10µm long (known to vary)

Striated muscle (This is skeletal muscle, like a bicep; I don't know how it compares to smooth muscle and they really varied in length) 40µm wide; 430µm long Cheek epithelial cells: 59µm wide; 63µm long

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15y ago

Mucles cells ar very long and consist of many nuclei. they are by far biggers than red blood cells and sperms cells. Sperms cells have a head containing a nucleus with genetic materia but they also contain a tail used for movement. So they are the 2nd biggest out of the 3. red blood cells have no nucleus amd they are not true cells because they have no organells and do not go through the cells cycle, but either way they are the smallest in this list.

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7y ago

The size of average human cells ranges from 10µ - 100µ. The sperm head is the widest part of the cell and it is 5.1 µm by 3.1 µm. The RBC is 5 µm, a squamous epithelium cell has a diameter of 40-60 µm and a smooth muscle cell has a diameter of 2-10 µm in diameter.The average for the sperm cell is 4.1 µm while the smooth cell average is 6 µm. Making the sperm cell smaller.

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10y ago

sperm cells

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Q: Which has the smallest diameter squamous epithelium red blood cells smooth muscle cells or sperm?
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