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Q: Which headline best describes America's journey toward racial equality in 1865 and 1900?
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What describes the way Western European leaders reacted to Christopher Columbus's journey to the Caribbean?

They quickly began sending their own explorers and colonists to the Americas.

What word beginning with q describes a journey?

"Quest" is a word that starts with Q and describes a journey

How was Columbus journey?

Columbus' journey was 3 months and 9 days long from Spain to the Americas.

What was Marco Polo Looking for in his journey?

India but he found the Americas

Where did Columbus believe he was going and what effect did his journey have on the Americas?

Columbus was trying to find an eastern route to India when he ran into the western hemisphere instead. This journey led to the discovery of the New World which later was names the Americas.

Who is Isabella of Castile?

The First Queen of Spain. She sent Columbus on the journey to the Americas

How did Gandhi's exposure to equality and prejudice on the journey to Pretoria effect him?

Hmm.. I want to know the answer to this too.

Why was the slave trade called Triangular trade?

It was called the triangular trade because of the triangular shape that the three legs of the journey made.The first leg was the journey from Europe to Africa where goods were exchanged for slaves. The second, or middle, leg of the journey was the transportation of slaves to the Americas. It was nicknamed the 'middle passage. The third and final leg of the journey, was the transport of goods from the Americas back to Europe.

What is the arduous sea journey slaves made from West Africa to the Americas called?

undergroun railrowd

How many slaves survived the journey to the Americas?

Roughly 10.7 million slaves survived the Middle Passage.

What is the name of a long poem that describes a journey or adventure of a hero?

An epic poem.

Never have you been allowed to put your foot on shore since you were brought on board the British ship which is now three years.... This statement describes WHAT?

Never putting a foot on shore since boarding a British ship and being there for 3 years might describe the journey of a slave from Africa to the Americas or to England. It might also describe the journey from Europe to Asia around South America.