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They are called the (mono) ALKENES, non-cyclo CnH2n formula

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Q: Which hydrocarbon series contains a double covalent bond between carbon atoms?
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Why is a saturated hydrocarbon an organic compound which contains hydrogen and carbon joined?

The bond is covalent; the meaning of saturated is a single bond between carbon atoms (C-C).

A saturated hydrocarbon is an organic compound which contains hydrogen and carbon joined?

The bond is covalent; the meaning of saturated is a single bond between carbon atoms (C-C).

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Organic, aromatic hydrocarbon compound: CH3-C6H5

A Hydrocarbon in which all of the carbon atoms are joined to other carbon atoms by single covalent bonds are a saturated unsaturated aromatic or substituted hydrocarbon?

such a hydrocarbon is a saturated compound.

What type of molecular bond is in butter?

Butter is a type of oil made from saturated fat. which is composed of hydrocarbon molecules. A hydrocarbon is a compound that contains carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds, which are both covalent bonds.

Is butter covalent or ionic bond?

Butter is a type of oil made from saturated fat, which are made from hydrocarbon molecules. A hydrocarbon is a compound containing only carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen bonds. Both of those are covalent bonds.

What is a compound that's contains carbon?

A compound that contains a carbon is called a base.

What is the difference between a hydrocarbon and a organic compound?

A carbon is an element, while a hyrdocarbon is a compound that has carbon and hydrogen in it.

A carbon compound that contains oxygen between two hydrocarbon groups is known as a what?

Ethers are carbon compounds that don't contain alcohol, but contain one oxygen atom (O) between two hydrocarbon groups.

Is air a hydrocarbon?

No, a hydrocarbon is a compound that contains only hydrogen and carbon, air is a mixture that contains a few hydrocarbons.

. A molecule that contains only carbon and hydrogen is called a .?

A hydrocarbon.

What molecule only contains only carbon and hydrogen is called?

A hydrocarbon-apex