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Q: Which innovation enabled early humans to cut down trees?
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What is an innovation of human shelter in history?

innovation of shelters is ROM the begining. The first shelters ever lived by people among us that has died long before we were born, is trees. They belived that trees can keep them safe but there is a lot of disadvantage about living in trees.

Why were stone toold important to early humams?

Stone tools were important because they enabled humans to farm, to cut trees for shelter, to kill animals for food and skin them for clothing. There was nothing else available to make sharp edged or heavy tools, so stones of different types became a logical choice.

How did the development of tools changed the life of early humans?

Tools allowed early humans to obtain food and shelter easier. It made more resources available to them, such as the ability to cut down trees for shelter and the ability to crack open nuts.

How did the development of tools change life of early humans?

Tools allowed early humans to obtain food and shelter easier. It made more resources available to them, such as the ability to cut down trees for shelter and the ability to crack open nuts.

How do trees help humans?

Trees help us by giving us oxygen.

What effects do humans and pollution have on trees?

Humans can actually help trees because we breathe out Carbon dioxide when trees take in but when we cut down trees then we kill it.

What do we humans have in common with pine trees?

Humans and pine trees both inhabit the planet Earth.

What did early humans to cut down trees?

They didn’t cut them down, but in Ancient Roman Empire as it expanded was the leading contributor of deforestation. Trees were cut down to house expanding populations. Early man used stone, brick, adobe, tile, straw, and mud.

Why did early humans slash the bark off trees and let them die?

So they could get more sunlight to the soil so their plants could grow.

What does trees let off for humans to breath in?

Trees take in Carbon Dioxide and release Oxygen. We as humans breathe in this Oxygen.