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In an office with no windows your best choice is to place the desk in the area of the best light. Adding task lighting will also help.

If you are an easily distracted person put the desk at a 90 degree angle to the door. I prefer to have my chair on the hinge side of the door because someone coming in does not have instant eye contact with me, but if the office does not lend itself to that arrangement it is not that big a difference.

If your business requires you to have "clients" in your office and you want a "barrier" between you and them, set the desk parallel to the door with your chair behind it and your client chair(s) facing you.

In the case where your business requires you to interact comfortably with your "client" (any collaborative activity) setting your desk against a wall (your choice) with your chair and the client chair(s) at right angles works best.

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