

Best Answer

in MY opinion i thinK A DEsKTop Is bETtER BecAuSE theY LasT LoNGeR THAn laptOPs cUz lApTopS hEaT AlOt ReallY Quik N DEsKTopS dONt hEaT THAt FaSt
bUT AnOtHer thINg Is THaT lApotOPs ARe PoRTaBLE ThaTa Y i lIKe EM

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Q: Which is better a laptop or a desktop?
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Which is Better Wireless Network Desktop or Wireless Network Laptop?

It's a matter of choice. If you like flexibility laptop will be better for you. If you do not mind to have your computer at the same place desktop will work for you.

How do you determine what is better between a desktop and Laptop?

It depends on what you are going to use it for. If you will be moving it around or taking it on trips, go for the laptop. Otherwise, the desktop is fine.

Is it better to get a desktop computer or a laptop for college?

It depends on the person. A laptop would be good for college because you can take it around with you. A desktop is standard and if you need something to do at school. You would have to use the school desktop computers.

Which has a better resale value a laptop or a desktop?

a desktop because a notebook will lose its value in about 3 to 4 years while you can always upgrade a desktop

How can you use the laptop as a desktop?

There is no difference in functionality of laptop and desktop. you can do same work as you can does with your desktop

You want to buy a computer for practice what will be better desktop or laptop?

if your going to go somewhere to practice sometimes laptop, but if your only practicing in 1 place (like your room or something) then a desktop.

Is a desktop a laptop?

the desktop is the thing that you see when you start your laptop with the icons etc. the laptop is the computer (portable)

How do laptop computers cool?

at the back of the laptops is a cooling fan, it is not as powerful as the desktop computers but if is sufficent if you play games on the laptop it might over heat there for it would be better to play games on a desktop computer!!

Which is better for a teen a desktop or laptop?

For a teen a better option is to start with the desktop which also helps the other members of family to use it if necessary but things change as the time goes by and when the teenagers start to go college getting them a laptop will be a better option . The choice has to made wisely and on situations.

How does a laptop apple compare to a desktop apple?

The largest difference between any laptop computer and desktop computer is that a laptop is portable and a desktop is not. If you do not require you computer to be portable then a desktop computer is preferable as it will be cheaper to purchase than a laptop of equal specs.

Why laptop is better then desktop?

It is probabely because it is portable and desktop's aren't. and for Laptops can you can probabely Burn DVD's and for Desktops of the past you can't do that. For the new Desktop's you can. Desktops aren't portable but Laptops are.

What is a MacBook Air a laptop or a desktop?

It's a laptop. An iMac is a desktop as well as the Mac mini.