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Guinea pigs should be fed more vegetables than fruits in their lifetime however, that does not mean fruits are less important. Fruits contain higher concentrated amounts of vitamins/nutrients than do vegetables therefore, a guinea pig would not have to eat as many fruit as vegetables to get the same amount of nutrition. In conclusion Guinea pigs should be fed both fruits and vegetables, and both should be considered equally important.

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3y ago

You should give guinea pigs a cup of fresh vegetables each day. These are beneficial as they provide vitamin C as well as other vitamins and minerals to keep them healthy. Some vegetables can help their teeth. Fruit should only be kept as a treat as it is high in sugar. Guinea pigs are prone to obesity so when you do give fruit, only give it in a small amount (Eg a thin slice of apple or a single strawberry once a week.)

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Q: Which is better vegetables or fruit for a guinea pig?
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How old does a guinea pig have to be to eat fruit and vegetables?

The guinea pig can start eating solid food at 2 days old.

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No, it's best to just give a guinea pig fruit and vegetables.

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No you should never give raisins to guinea pigs they will die if you do. Only feed them guinea pig nuggets or other guinea pig food especially for them or fruit and vegetables but don't give them runny foods like tomatoes.

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Yes, that's okay for them to eat.

What is guinea pig food?

Guinea pig food is basically a mix of corn,seeds,dried fruit and any other kinds of things that are nutritious for the guinea pig. Also, guinea pig food may be some king of vegetable or fruit. If you want to know more, visit this website:

what kind of food do you feed a guinea pig?

guinea pigs love lettuce lots of vegetables timothy hay and anything from the guinea pig aisle at the pet store

Can you give banana skin to guinea pigs?

yes, My guinea pig likes banana skin but not banana, and nothing has happened to him!

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no. your guinea pig will adjust.

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Guinea pig. Bunnies are cute but fragile-ask anyone.

How can you convince your mother to get a better guinea pig home?

tell her that the guinea pig cant fit and needs a bigger and better house