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Q: Which is odd among facebook myspace LinkedIn shoutcast?
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Does Bill Kaulitz have an official MySpace?

Bill has a facebook for 3 months (Information collected by renowned paparazzi usa) but it would not accept his fans but only his family and friends the reason that Bill said he did not have a Facebook because it would not accept his fans and no for myspace No. None of the members have personal Myspace, Facebooks, Twitter, MSN or any other sites you can think of. They are only online as TH and only with the official ones that you can link to from their official Myspace among other places. There are tons of fakers out there so have fun with it but don't leave out personal info or get too personally involved. Someone has fooled you they are a papz.

Why facebook is so popular among babies?

Because it is the social networking site.

How can you display only your profile pictures album and no other albums to people who are not your friend on Facebook?

yes,i much display profile album all my facebook friends and among of people are not my friends on facebook.

How do you put a cover photo on a Facebook page?

If you are bored of your current Facebook Cover photo, it's a good idea to do a design refresh by choosing a new Facebook CoverJust go to, browse among thousands of great Facebook CoversChoose the one you like and click on the "Add this cover" button to upload and replace your old Facebook Cover image

Who among these great thinkers were not known to wax philosphic around the streets of Athens?

if its for Kidnap (Application in facebook) the answer is (C) = Maimonides

What is the average IQ of a facebook user?

It is not accurate to determine the average IQ of a Facebook user as IQ is not linked to social media usage. IQ varies among individuals regardless of their online activity.

How do you change cover photo on Facebook app update?

it cannot be done try these steps1. If you are bored of your current Facebook Cover photo, it's a good idea to do a design refresh by choosing a new Facebook CoverJust go to, browse among thousands of great Facebook CoversChoose the one you like and click on the "Add this cover" button to upload and replace your old Facebook Cover imagehope this helps

When was social media created?

Social media surgery was created in 2008.

How can you search people on facebook?

You may use site listed below. It searches everything on Facebook without logging in, including people. Facebook is becoming popular among various business related community. So it is a great resource for branding your business. Facebook can provide drive web traffic to your site. To search for you people you know is to use the Friend Finder. This is located at the bottom right corner of your News Feed page.

What is better between Google plus or Facebook or Twitter?

Everyone has their own opinions on them. However they all have advantages and disadvantages. Google Plus maybe isn't as popular as Twitter or Facebook but it is easy to use and well designed. Twitter is harder to gain followers on but very popular among celebrities. Then Facebook is known as a 'more-dangerous' site but it gives you a lot of things to do within it. However some would think that Facebook is the best overall.

How do you get on Facebook to a business?

Social media sites are one of the great way to generate quality of traffic. SMO is done to impress human being. So it needs to write impressive content. Facebook is a great resource for allows you to create a platform around yourself and/or your brand and build a thriving community. Facebook is becoming popular among various business related community. So it is a great resource for branding your business. Facebook profile can now be indexed by search engine also so the result can provide another favorable listing in the organic search. You can get business form facebook throw facebook ads.

How will you encourage more community participation among teachers and students?

You can use many thing like websites, facebook, google +, posters, or contact you local news paper.