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it depends on the length of your hair if its long then either of them, but I'd probably say curly, it looks cute and fun :) _____ i think wavy! super cute - especially for summer! BTW it's easy to curl, but also easy to straighten.) i think puffy hair is prettier because you can get a puffy ponytail and it don't matter how you wake up in the morning it is still puffy I think straight hair is cute, fresh, and neat. I THINK THAT EITHER WAVY OR CURLY IS THE BEST. BUT CURLY HAIR PEOPLE GET FRIZZY HAIR SO THE WAVY'S HAVE IT. AND PLUS THERE HAIR IS SO SOFT. WELL I DONT HAVE EITHER AND MI HAIR IS VERY SOFT BUT I REALLY WANT IT TO B WAVY. O AND BUY THE IN-STYLER CUZ IT WORKS AND WEN IT COMES TO STORES IM GETTIN ONE. SO I CAN HAVE IT ALL. CURLY, STRAIGHT, OR WAVY THEY R A GENIUSES. SO IF U WANT EITHER OF THOSE HAIR STYLES GET THE INSTYLER U WONT REGRET IT. BY THOSE BRUSHES AND THAT ROTATIN CURLER AND IT SHINES YOUR HAIR, CAN GIVE U GREAT VOLUME, AND WORKS ON ANY TYPE HAIR SO GET IT TODAY i have wavy hair and i hate it i think staright is prettier and sexier well i extremly wavy hair and if i get out of the shower and i want it curly all i do is scrunch it and its curly and if i want it straight i just dry my hair and straighten it i love it! i can have it anyway! but i like my curly better.i would have to say my hair is naturaly wavy curly and i am proud to have my hair and i love i leave it natural and i bairley straighten it.

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Q: Which is prettier curly hair straight hair wavy hair or poofy hair?
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It depends on what people like, but curly hair isbeautiful.

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I think just going through puberty would do it. My older brother had stick straight hair as a boy, but now his hair is poofy and curly.

Which is prettier curly hair or straight hair?

Well, If your hair is curly some people like a change but some people don't but like I was saying if your hair is curly some days when you have time you could straighten it or if your hair is straight some days when have time you could curl it.

Why would people want thinner hair?

Age old truth. We all want what we don't have. Straight haired people want curly hair. Curly hair people want straight hair. People with really thick hair get tired of having it poofy, or heavy, or hard to manage. All they have to do is go to the hair dresser and tell them they want to thin out their hair. They can do it.

Curly hair is recessive and straight hair is dominant A woman with curly hair marries a man who is homozygous dominant for straight hair. What are the outcomes for their children?

All of their children will have straight hair, as the father can only pass on the dominant straight hair allele. The children will inherit one straight hair allele from their father and one curly hair allele from their mother, but the dominant straight hair allele will mask the recessive curly hair allele.

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If you have straight hair of curly hair. I think straight haris is dominant.

Straight hair is dominant to curly?

No, curly hair is dominant

Straight hair or curly hair for you?

Straight is best

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If you have curly hair does that mean you have curly pubic hair?

no you could straight them even they are curly but i want them curly.

Does Kate Winslet have straight or curly hair?

She has naturally curly hair.