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The fundamental properties that Mendeleev predicted for gallium was that it would be a bright metal color and it would have a high boiling point. It would also have a relative density of 5.5 and an Atomic Mass of 72.

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Q: Which is property that mendeleev predicted for gallium?
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What is a property that Mendeleev predicted for gallium Ga metal gas nonmetal or highly reactive?

Mendeleev predicted that gallium will be a metal.

Which is a property that Mendeleev's predicted for gallium?

Examples: density, melting point, atomic weight, density and formula of oxide.

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Which discovery showed that Mendeleev was correct in organizing his table of elements according to properties?

Gallium which had the properties that Mendeleev predicted

What element did Mendeleev predict before it was discovered?

Mendeleev predicted that gallium belonged to the R2O3. Gallium was not discovered until 1874. The noble gases weren't discovered until 1894 through 1899.

What did the gaps on Mendeleev's tabel represent?

He predicted that elements with the predicted properties would be discovered to fill in these gaps.

What kinds of predictions did Mendeleev make using his table?

By placing the elements in order of their Atomic Mass then grouping them based on similar chemical properties, Mendeleev recognized that there were gaps in the pattern he made where elements should be. He predicted there were some elements yet to be discovered and predicted their chemical properties. The elements he predicted were later discovered and named germanium, gallium, and scandium.

What element did mendeleev call ekasilicon?

Mendeleev proposed that there must be missing elements, to which he gave the provisional names Ekaboron, Ekaaluminum and Ekasilicon. Scankium, Gallium and Germanpoop were discovered in 1879, 1875 and 1886, respectively, with properties very close to those predicted by Mendeleev. hey Glen

What was Mendeleev able to find out for each element?

He was able to work out the atomic mass of the missing elements, and so predict their properties. And when they were discovered, Mendeleev turned out to be right. For example, he predicted the properties of an undiscovered element that should fit below aluminium in his table. When this element, called gallium, was discovered in 1875, its properties were found to be close to Mendeleev's predictions. Two other predicted elements were later discovered, lending further credit to Mendeleev's table.

Which were the elements predicted by Mendeleev and what name did he give them?

Dmitri Mendeleev figured out that there were missing elements on his periodic table. Using periodic trends and averaging numbers, he could make pretty accurate predictions about elements not discovered yet. Mendeleev predicted four: * ekaboron (modern day scandium) * ekaaluminium (modern day gallium) * ekamanganese (modern day technetium) * ekasilicon (modern day germanium)

What element was discovered in 1871 by Mendeleev?


What describes Mendeleev's use of term eka-aluminum?

Gallium was named eka-aluminium by Mendeleev.