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Potential difference.

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Q: Which is the correct term for the movement of an electrical charge across a membrane?
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Is this correct no energy is required for the movement of water molecules across the cell membrane?


The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron can produce what?

The movement of positively charged ions across the membrane of a neuron can produce action potential. Electrical potentials are commonly generated across the membranes of neurons as well.

The movement of water across a membrane is trem?

The movement of water across a membrane is called osmosis.

What movement do ion channels aid?

the movement of ions across a cell membrane.

In osmosis which membrane provides net movement of water without movement of NaCl?

Osmosis across a selectively permeable membrane allows water across but disallows other particles across the membrane.

What is a membrane potential?

a voltage or electrical charge across the plasma membrane

What is the transport of water across the cell membrane called?

Movement of water across a membrane is called OSMOSIS.

What membrane components allow movement of non-polar substances across membrane?

Integral proteins allow movement of non-polar substances across membranes.

In an isotonic environment would there be an equal movement of water across the cell membrane?

There would be no net movement of water across the membrane because the amount of solute inside and outside of the membrane is equal.

What is true of ions and their transport across cell membranes?

electrical or chemical signals may control the movement of ions across cell membrane

What is the movement of water across a membrane?

Active transport

What is the movement of water across the membrane cell?
