

Which is the oldest language among Dravidian language?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Which is the oldest language among Dravidian language?
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Which is the oldest language among Dravidian languages?

As my knowledge the tamil is oldest language among dravidian language

Which is The largest Dravidian language in India?

Tamil is considered as the oldest language amongst the Dravidian languages.

Which language mother for all dravidian language?

It must be Tamil as it is the oldest of all the dravidian languages. Tamil is a classical language which is born in Lemuria. Tamil is a mother of all Dravidian language like Malayalam, Telugu, Kannada, Thulu. Its born before 3000 years ago.still it has a powerful grammatical and poetical value. now more then 500 million peoples are talking Tamil.

What does Tamil means?

Tamil means language in the oldest dravidian language in sangam period. currently there is a south indian language which is formed with same name from the same old dravidian language. but the word tamil only means "language" or "lingua" or "bhasha" or "bahasa" and it has four derivatives which are kannada, malayalam,tamil and telugu.

What is a dravidian language?

The Dravidian language is used in numerous countries. They language is spoken in India, Pakistan, Nepal, and Malaysia.

Why Tamil is more popular than other Dravidian languages?

Becos Tamil is the oldest of all the Dravidian languages. Epics are written in Tamil. Above all, Tamil is the only Indian language which is a National language in many countries, like Srilanka and Singapore.

What is the meaning of Tamil?

Of or pertaining to the Tamils, or to their language., One of a Dravidian race of men native of Northern Ceylon and Southern India., The Tamil language, the most important of the Dravidian languages. See Dravidian, a.

Is Tamil aryan language?

No. It is a Dravidian language.

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Are all South Indians Dravidians?

South India is also known as "Dravida," thus anyone from the region may be called "Dravidian." However, more specifically, Dravidian peoples are those whose native language belongs to the Dravidian language family. The majority of South Indians do speak a Dravidian language, however many others speak a language belonging to the Munda language family instead and thus they are not, in this sense, "Dravidian."

Do Dravidian race belongs to caucasoid?

The concept of race is a social construct and not scientifically accurate. Dravidian people are indigenous to southern India and have distinct ethnic and cultural characteristics that do not fit neatly into the outdated categories of Caucasoid or other racial classifications. It is more appropriate to refer to Dravidian people based on their specific ethnicity or cultural groups rather than assigning them to a broad racial category.

How was Malayalam created?

Malayalam, a language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala, is believed to have evolved from a confluence of Sanskrit, Tamil, and other Dravidian languages. It began taking shape around the 9th century AD with the development of the Grantha script for writing. Over time, Malayalam adopted a distinct script and grammar, becoming a unique language.