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Q: Which is the only special senses receptor that can be replaced?
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What are some special senses of animals?

birds can only see black + white

How hepatic viruses have affinity towards liver cells only?

basically, the viruses have a special compounds on their surface that binds ONLY to a receptor on the liver cell, and its not found on any other cell. so that's is how a virus for hepatitis C for instance ONLY infects the liver. its frankly a receptor ligand interaction

An allosteric receptor embedded in a cell membrane will change shape only?

when a signal molecule fits the shape of the receptor

Which hormone affect only certain cells?

Because they only activate target cells that have special receptors that only work when that specific hormone attaches to it.

Do all people have all the senses?

No, all people do not have all senses. If you are blind you have only 4 senses if you are deaf as well you only have 3. Some unfortunate people have none.

What are holes in the surface of the dendrites or certain cells of the muscles and glands that are shaped to fit only certain neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitter receptor sites on ligand-gated ion pores.

Where are Receptor sites on a neuron primarily found?

dendrites only

How do hormones get to their correct receptor?

Hormones will only interact with its matchingreceptor.

Why does hormone act only on specific cell types in a organism and not others?

Hormones can only be detected by cells that have the specific receptor which binds to the hormone. This means that the hormone only acts on the cells with its receptor and the other cells do not respond.

What enables a cell to pick up and concentrate a specific kind of molecule?

Receptor-mediated endocytosis: only a specific molecule, called a ligand, can bind to the receptor. Without receptor binding occurring first, endocytosis does not proceed.

How is hormone specificity achieved?

each hormone receptor only binds to one hormone