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One is not necessarily older than the other. It depends on the context. A fault running through any rock must be younger than that rock.

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Q: Which is younger a fault or sandstone?
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Is the sandstone mountain a fault block mountain?

yes it is

How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of the basalt?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

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The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

When there is an igneous intrusion and a fault line which one is younger?

That depends! If the fault line cross cuts the igneous intrusion causing the intrusion to be displaced on either side of the fault and forming a broken mass of rock within the intrusion known as a fault breccia then the fault is younger than the intrusions, as the intrusion must have already existed for the fault to cause it's displacement. If on the other hand the igneous intrusion cross cuts the fault and is un-deformed then it is probable that it is younger than the fault.

Why is the age of a fault is younger than the rocks in which it is found?

How could the rock be faulted if it came after the faulting? It wouldn't be there to fault. So therefore, what ever the fault cuts through, it must be younger than it in order for it to be able to cut the rock in the first place.

Is the fault older or younger than the layers?

older because it is at the bottom and the ones on top are younger than the bottoms

Is the fault older or younger than rock layer A?

older because it is at the bottom and the ones on top are younger than the bottoms

How does the age of a fault compare to the age of the rocks that are actually faulted?

The fault will be younger than the rocks it faulted (cross-cutting relationships).

Why is the age of a fault younger than the rocks in which it was found?

100 year old

Why is the age of the fault younger than the rocks in which it is found?

100 year old

Why is the age of a fault younger than the rocks in which it is found?

100 year old

Why is the age of a fault younger than the rock in which it is found?

100 year old