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Meta-xylene forms only one trisubstituted benzene (1,2-dimethyle benzene).

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Q: Which isomer of xylene does form only one trisubstituted benzene?
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What is a product made from xylene?

Xylene is generally used as a solvent. It is often encountered as a mixture of three different isomers, (same composition different structure), which are generically dimethylbenzenes.Para-xylene (1, 4 dimethyl benzene) can be oxidised toterephthalicacid which is then used for manufacture of PET plastiic.Xylenes can be chlorinated to form disinfectants (PCMX).

What is a product made from?

Xylene is generally used as a solvent. It is often encountered as a mixture of three different isomers, (same composition different structure), which are generically dimethylbenzenes.Para-xylene (1, 4 dimethyl benzene) can be oxidised toterephthalicacid which is then used for manufacture of PET plastiic.Xylenes can be chlorinated to form disinfectants (PCMX).

Full-form of D.P.X mountant?

Dibutyl Phathalate Xylene

Does ethanol and xylene form azetrope?

Ethanol+Water+p-Xylene is an Azeotropic mixture ------------ For p-xylene, zeotropic, but for x-xylene, contradictory results. Please see the links.

Full form of BHC a pesticide?

The full form of BHC is BENZENE HEXA CHLORIDE.

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Is the R(-)- isomer or the S(-)-isomer of adrenaline more potent?

The R(-)-isomer of adrenaline is more potent. Its orientation allows its benzylic hydroyxl to form a hydrogen bond with Serine410 whereas this doesn't happen with S(-)-isomers of adrenaline.

Do plastics have benzene?

Not all plastics but some have, for example Bakelite plastic contains phenols which have the benzene ring. but in free form benzene does not exist in any plastic.

Does Benzene and water form a good solution?

No benzene is extremely hydrophobic and sits like an oil on top of the water.

What will result when benzene is mixed with water?

A liquid with two layers will form because water is polar and benzene is nonpolar. The two are not miscible.

Does hexyne reacts with sulphur dioxide to form benzene and oxygen?

No, it does not

Benzene is what kind of bond type?

Benzene has covalent bonds. Each of the six carbons in benzene is sp2 hybridized meaning the ring has both sigma bonds and pi bonds. Benzene is aromatic meaning its pi electrons are delocalized and form a pi system.