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The coroner or medical examiner's office in the county where you live can easily answer all your questions. A small caliber, say a .22, to the roof of the mouth can prove fatal, often wouldn't have an exit wound.

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Q: Which kind of a gun and bullets should be used to cause a wound that can and will be fatal but causes the least amount of external bleeding And where to shoot and which organs to damage?
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Related questions

What causes external bleeding?

Bleeding occurring outside the body.

What kind of a gun and bullets should be used to cause a wound that can and will be fatal but causes the least amount of external bleeding and where to shoot and which organs to damage?

A .22 into the brain through the roof of the mouth has always been a popular one in the mystery stories. You should visit NaNoWriMo for all sorts of writing information.

What causes small amounts of bleeding?

What causes small amounts of bleeding depends on where it is coming from and what your ailment is. For example, if your finger is cut, there might be a small amount of blood. If you have had surgery, there may be small amounts of bleeding where the stitches are.

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Kidney stones could be a cause. Sometimes when a kidney stone is passed it causes a little bleeding.

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Sounding frequently causes a small amount of bleeding from the urethra. This is why it should only be done by a professional.

What are the causes of bleeding when you purge?

The erosion of the esophagus is what causes the bleeding when you purge.

Where do you find information about the causes of bleeding diathesis?

Information about Bleeding Diathesis can be found on the wikipedia article which has reliable information and the causes. Some of the causes for bleeding diathesis are excessive bleeding and a lack of clotting.

What is intestinal bleeding What causes black pooh?

Intestinal bleeding may happen if someone has bleeding in their intestines. It can also happen in the stomach, which then causes black stool at times.

What are the causes of gastrointestinal bleeding?

There are many causes of gastrointestinal bleeding. They include colitis, which is inflammation of the bowel, as well as parasites and irritation.

What are the most common causes of bleeding gums?

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

Spotting for 3 months now what could it be?

There are many causes of abnormal bleeding, but because some of them are serious, you should see a doctor regardless of the amount.

What vitamin cause bleeding gum?

no vitamin causes bleed gum it is the deficiency sign that causes bleeding gum..