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Q: Which large city in Georgia did general sherman burn?
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Why did General Sherman march into Columbia?

General Sherman wanted to capture Savannah, Georgia by December 25, 1864. He wanted to destroy the South so it would surrender. He practiced a "scortched earth" policy where he would burn everything in his path.

6 What state did William Tecumseh Sherman burn in an effort to bring the South to its knees?


Why did general sherman destroy much of georgia during his march to the sea?

To wreck the railroads in order to ruin the Southern economy, and to burn the farms in order to starve the Confederate troops in the field.

When was Atlanta burned to the ground during the US Civil War?

He burned Atlanta after failing to destroy the Army of Tennessee, which had escaped the city. He then decided to ignore that army, and launch an entirely different kind of operation, targeting the infrastructure that supported the Confederate armies. That was the march to the sea.

What ciy was burned during general sherman's march to sea?

Union General made Atlanta his southern headquarters for a month after he took control of the city. Upon his orders to advance well into Georgia, he burned down much of Atlanta. Catholic priests begged Sherman not to burn down orphan homes and hospitals and Sherman agreed to that.

What did Sherman's troops burn when they marched from Georgia to the Atlantic Coast?

They destroyed anything that might be of use to the enemy that was in their path.

Did sherman have a plan on what he was doing?

During his march he was conducting a war stratigie called total war. That is were everything is deystroyed. Sherman was marching to burn down the cities in Georgia. This was not really necessary though, because General Grant was already at Appomattox with Lee stating surrender agreements.

What did Abraham Lincoln do to change the civil war?

He had munitions, warm clothes, shoes, hats, horses, ammunition and all necessary military accompaniments for fighting the southern states, who had nothing but great leaders, great fighters, and determination to fight for their Confederacy. Then Mr. Lincoln sent his General T Sherman to burn Georgia, from Atlanta to the sea. General Sherman next stated that "war is hell." He and his men stole everything they didn't burn. Sherman contributed his part to making war the hell it was.

Who was the Union's Civil War general who made a famous march through the South destroying nearly everything in his path?

The Union's Major General William T. Sherman led three armies through Georgia that eventually connected with a Union fleet at the Georgia port city of Savannah. Savannah surrendered and escaped Sherman's wrath.Atlanta had been a key objective which he captured easily as its Confederate defenders had abandoned it. Sherman made Atlanta his headquarter for about one month before marching towards Savannah. A Catholic priest begged Sherman not to burn down the hospital there. The rest of Atlanta was burned as Sherman left. Back in Washington DC, General Henry Wager Halleck, the once general in chief, followed Sherman's military operations in Georgia carefully. Halleck was an expert on the international guidelines on warfare and how it effected civilians. He came to the conclusion that Sherman was walking on a thin line between necessary military operations and criminal operations. It is quite possible that if he had remained general in chief, he may have ordered Sherman to exercise more caution in his actions and words. Reportedly Sherman "wanted the South to remember him for the next 50 years". That they did, and longer than that.

What is Alchemy-The Georgia Burn?

Alchemy - The Georgia Burn is a yearly burn event.

What was Union general William Tecumseh Sherman's technique to burn down Atlanta?

He ordered the burning of all buildings of military potential. But it went beyond that, and Sherman began to see the point of destroying civilian morale.

What were some facts about Union General Sherman's March to the Sea?

Union General William T. Sherman walked into Atlanta, Georgia after all Confederate troops were forced to evacuate the city or be captured or lose many soldiers in a battle with Sherman's three large armies. He entered Atlanta on September 1, 1864 and made the city his headquarters. After a month went by he began his infamous march to the sea. He left Atlanta after setting it afire. After a Catholic priest begged him not to burn down a hospital Sherman agreed. His march was intended to meet a Union naval convoy at the Georgia seaport city of Savannah. On his way there he destroyed or kept any crops or livestock that he could use and burned the rest. His goal was to deprive Rebel armies of the supplies they needed to carry on the war. Attacking civilian property was not a normal policy for either side in the war. Union General Henry Halleck was concerned that Sherman was violating combat normalities, perhaps committing war crimes. Nevertheless, Sherman left little of any value behind as he marched to the sea, Savannah surrendered and Sherman hooked up with a naval convoy in the Savannah harbor.