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The layers that outcrop.

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Q: Which layer can be studied directly by geologist?
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What layer that can be studied directly by geologist?

The crust is the layer that can be studied directly by a geologist.

Which would usually get studied by a geologist?


How do you use geologist in a sentence?

The geologist studied the rocks from space. The geologist always stays busy by studying the different rocks.

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What is a person that studied rocks?

A geologist studies rocks and the earth.

Which layer of the atmosphere is the least studied?

The Mesosphere is the least studied layer of our atmosphere.

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Which would usually be studied by a geologist?

How is the ozone layer studied?

Ozone layer is studied by the help of satellites or probes. They calculate the concentration of ozone in the layer.

What principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it?

Which principle is a geologist applying when deciding that a fossil in a mud layer is older than a fossil in a sandstone layer above it.

Who studied Earth?

A person who studies the Earth is called a geologist. A geologist mainly studies the origin of the Earth, its structure and composition.

What do geologist use index fossils for?

to date a rock layer and other fossils within that layer

What would be studied by a geologist A the composition of minerals B the tides of ocean C the climate of a particular area?

A. A geologist would study the composition of minerals.