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Q: Which layer of the atmosphere consists of electrically charged particles that influence the propagation of radio waves?
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Which atmosphere is electrically charged particles found in?

The Ionosphere

What layer of atmosphere contains electrically charged particles?

In air Atmosphere it is Ionosphere.

What do you mean by propagation of sound?

Propagation of sound in a medium (like the atmosphere) is the collision between the medium particles driven by a vibrating object

Electrically charged particles are found primarily in what atmosphere?

They are found in the Ionosphere.

What atmosphere contains electrically charged particles that reflect radio waves?

The ozone layer contains electrical charged particles that reflects radio waves

In which atmosphere layer contains electrically charged particles that reflect radio waves?

The ionosphere - specifically the e-layer

Are Ions electrically charged particles?

yes ions are electrically charged particles in the troposphere

What state of matter consits of electrically charged particles?

ions are electrically charged particles

Do liquids have electrically charged particles?

Yes, some liquids have electrically charged particles, such as salt water.

What is the influence around a space due to the presence of electrically charge particles?

electric field but look it up first before you go answering things

What are electrically- charged particles?


What influences the sunset to be different colors?

There are many factors that influence the colors of a sunset. The Earth's atmosphere and traveling light are the two key factors. The atmosphere contains many particles of dust and water, and light reflects off of the particles in all directions. The size of the particles and light wavelengths influence the colors we see in the sunset.