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The ionosphere - specifically the e-layer

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The ionosphere.

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Q: In which atmosphere layer contains electrically charged particles that reflect radio waves?
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Where does Radio waves travel long distances by bouncing off electrically charged particles?


What is the layer of electrically charged particles in the thermosphere that absorbs AM radio waves during the day and reflects them back at night?

The atmospheric layer that refracts (bends) radio signals is called the ionosphere. The radio waves are reflected a little, as you say, but are mostly refracted, that is, bent, back to earth. Happenss in the daytime, too, but too little to be useful in most cases. By the way, it is a similar process that messes up GPS locator precision.

How do you get a magnet red hot?

It is simply done like how your light-bulb works. charged particles(negative) attract positive particles and together they heat up. a good book to get more information on is BC Science probe 6.

How invented electrisity?

Everything on earth is composed of atoms, and within each atom is a nucleus, which contains protons (positive particles) and neutrons (non charged particles). Outside of the nucleus, there are negative particles that revolve around the nucleus and they are known as electrons. One of the earliest Greek philosophers named Thales experimented with amber and rubbed it until it developed an electromechanical charge and was able to pick up small objects with it. The Greek word for amber is elektron. So, that is most likely the root of the word for electron.

During the laser printing process what determines when the toner sticks to the drum and when it does not?

Electric charge! The drum is coated with a photo-conductive layer, whose electrical resistance changes when exposed to light. In the old days this was based on selenium, but nowadays it uses an organic plastic compound. First the drum is electrically charged using a 'corona wire' - a very fine wire grid at high voltage. Then a laser (or, these days, an LED array) is used to expose the 'white' areas, causing electric charge to leach away in those areas. Next toner (which is itself tumbled to build up an electric charge) is brushed over the drum, so that it sticks only to the electrically charged ('black') areas on the drum. It's then a simple matter to get the toner off the drum and onto the paper. Finally the drum is cleaned with a brush and/or wiper blade, and electrically discharged using a 'quench' lamp before the whole process starts again.

Related questions

What layer of atmosphere contains electrically charged particles?

In air Atmosphere it is Ionosphere.

What atmosphere contains electrically charged particles that reflect radio waves?

The ozone layer contains electrical charged particles that reflects radio waves

Which atmosphere is electrically charged particles found in?

The Ionosphere

Electrically charged particles are found primarily in what atmosphere?

They are found in the Ionosphere.

The Van Allen belt which is made of Electrically charged Particles contains electrons and what other Particles?


Are Ions electrically charged particles?

yes ions are electrically charged particles in the troposphere

What state of matter consits of electrically charged particles?

ions are electrically charged particles

Which layer of the atmosphere consists of electrically charged particles that influence the propagation of radio waves?


Do liquids have electrically charged particles?

Yes, some liquids have electrically charged particles, such as salt water.

What atmospheric layer contains electrically charged particles?

In air Atmosphere it is Ionosphere.

What atmosphere layer contains electrical charged particles that reflects radio waves?

The ozone layer contains electrical charged particles that reflects radio waves

What are electrically- charged particles?
