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Q: Which leaf contains starch mayana or hydrilla?
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What type of plastids are in hydrilla leaf cells?

Hydrilla are photosynthetic plants.So they have chloroplasts.

Is mayana a monocot or dicot?

Banana is a dicot leaf or monocot leaf

Does hydrilla have a swollen leaf stalk?


What is scientific name of mayana leaf?

Coleus blumei Benth.

Result of starch test on variegated leaves?

the leaf that contains starch will turn blue/black if not it will stay the same colour

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What is mayana leaf?

A mayana is an annual herb that is about 1 m high. The leaves are blotched or colored, oval, measures about 5-10 cm long and have toothed margins.

What is water in a leaf used for?

They are used for the process of photosynthesis , that is preparing starch .

How is starch produced in the leaf?

Starch is produced in the leaf through photosynthesis. The process involves capturing sunlight to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose. Excess glucose is then stored as starch for later use by the plant.

Why did the leaf turn blue black when iodine was added in the starch test?

because photosynthesis has occured in the leaf. starch is produced and turns iodine blue-black indicating the presence of starch.

How do you determine the location of starch in a leaf?

To determine the location of starch in a leaf, one can examine it under the microscope and apply one small drop of iodine to the leaf. The parts of the leaf that turn purple contain starch.

Why did the leaf turn brittle in testing a leaf for starch?

The leaf turns brittle during the testing the leaf for starch because the ethanol extracts the all water content from the leaf.