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Only the left lung has these features.

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Q: Which lung has the cardiac notch and lingula?
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How do separate the right and left pulmonary segment?

This is probably what u are looking for but however there is a longer explanation to this which i believe u can get in another place and i wont be typing it here.The Left Lung1. It is slender and divided into superior (upper) and inferior (lower) lobes by a long deep oblique fissurewhich extends from its coastal to medial surface.2. The superior lobe has a large cardiac notch on its anterior border.3. The anteroinferior part of the superior lobe has a small tongue-like projection called the lingula.4. The inferior lobe of the left lung is larger than the superior lobe and lies inferoposterior to the oblique fissure.The Right Lung1. The right lung is shorter and wider than the left lung, because the right dome of the diaphragm is higher and the heart and pericardium bulge more to the left.2. It is divided into superior (upper), middle, and inferior (lower) lobes by horizontal and oblique fissures.3. The horizontal fissure separates the superior and middle lobes.4. The oblique fissure separates the inferior lobefrom the superior and middle lobes.5. The superior lobe is smaller than in the left lung, and the middle lobe is wedge-shaped.6. The anterior margin of the right lung is straight, whereas the margin of the left lung has a deep cardiac notch.

Which hilum of the lung is higher?

The left hilum is higher than the right, due to the presence of the heart in the cardiac notch (in the left lung). 'The left hilium is situated slightly higher than the right pulmonary artery' (Miller 2006), and the hilium consists of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary veins and bronchioles. Reference: Miller W (2006) Diagnostic Thoracic Imaging. Chapter 14, p732

What cells make up the myocardium?

Most of the myocardium is composed of cardiac myocytes.

What is cardiac physiology?

Cardiac Physiology is the inner workings of the heart

How do you identify pin connections on AND gate IC chips?

you start from the notch of the I.C and then you go anti clockwise making the pin at the bottom of the notch 1 and the pin above the notch 14 .

Related questions

Which lung has the cardiac notch?

left lung has a cardiac notch.

What is a function of the cardiac notch?

so that we can differentiate the right lung and left lung. the lung with the cardiac notch is the left lung as the heart is on the left side of the body.

What is the significance of the lung region known as the cardiac notch?

to accommodate the heart

Which part of the lung contains the cardiac notch and has two lobes?


What is the lingual of the lungs?

Lingula of the left lung -- Wikipedia has a good explanation (with diagrams) titled "Lingula of the left lobe."

Why is the lung narrower that the right lung?

the left lung is narrower than the right lung because of the amount of space the mediastinum (which includes the heart, blood vessels and others) on the left side. the left lung includes a cardiac notch where the heart lies.

What is the pointed part of the lung?

The top pointed tip of the lung is the apex, while the pointed tip on the bottom of the left lung is called the lingula.

Where is the cardiac notch?

A deep notch in the alimentary canal at the junction of the esophagus and the stomach.

Which lung is smaller youror left and why?

The left is smaller, due to the presence of cardiac notch

Why are lungs not the same?

Human lungs aren't the same shape on opposite sides of the body because the heart sits slightly to the left of the midline. To make room for the heart in humans, the left lung has a cardiac notch, which isn't found on the right lung.

What is lingular fibrosis?

The lingula is a projection of the upper lobe of the left lung. Lingular fibrosis is scarring of the alveoli, or air sacs, in that location. There is no known cure for lung fibrosis.

Why does the left lung have a notch at its inferior medial end?

The left lung has a notch at its inferior medial end because the heart rests against that area.