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mostly skoda for diesel engined cars.

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Q: Which luxury car brand is most fuel efficient?
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Which luxury car brand in America is most fuel efficient?

Mercedes benz, mostly the SLR McLaren

Which fuel efficient suvs are luxury?

Ford makes an SUV that are fuel efficient and considered to be luxury by some. Most of the high end automobile companies now have an SUV that is fuel efficient.

Is Freightliner the most fuel efficient brand of semi truck?

There hasn't really been a brand of semi trucks recognized as the most fuel efficient. Since they run on diesel a more efficient fuel, semi trucks already are more fuel efficient than cars in terms of size and power.

Why are SUV most fuel efficient and why?

Many SUV's are not fuel efficient.

What is the most fuel efficient motorcycle?

The honda cb 110 is the most fuel efficient motorcycle in it's class

What is the fastest Audi out there?

The Audi A4 is the fastest Aldi available. The Audi A4 has been rated the fastest and most fuel efficient Audi on the market. It is a sedan and a luxury car.

What is the most dependable fuel efficient car 2014?

The most dependable fuel efficient car of 2014 is the Ford Focus.

Where can I buy the most fuel efficient SUV?

The 2012 Mitsubishi is one of the most fuel efficient SUVs in the market. It has 112 MPG and is very fuel efficient. I recommend the 2012 Mitsubishi for your needs.

Where can I find out what the most fuel efficient trucks are? has a list of the top ten most fuel efficient pickup trucks for 2013. also has a list of its top four most fuel efficient pickup trucks.

Is have a luxury fuel efficient SUV worth the price?

Luxury SUV's, like most luxury vehicles, have added features that R considered desirable by some, including leather seats, headed seats, navigation systems, park assist, etc. many SUV's do not have strong fuel efficiency ratings, therefore you would likely be paying more for better fuel efficiency, which would save you gas money in the long run.

Which models are the most fuel efficient cars?

The most fuel efficient vehicles on the market today are usually hybrids. However, many small and economy sized vehicles on the market are not hybrids but are very fuel efficient as well.

Most fuel efficient vehicle?

A bicycle!